69. Meeting a sleepy Minty

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While Marzia and I talked about a few things, including the baby and work, little Minty cuddled with her pug Peanuts and looked out the window as the British countryside passed us by. She had been talking away to Billy her barrel boyfriend for nearly an hour and it was a bleep telling Marzia her phone was nearly out of power and needed charging.

Minty was yawning away as well with an extremely wide mouth that was as big as a bat cave. I wondered if Minty still wanted to sleep.
"Marzia." I said and pointed over to a yawning Minty. She looked over at our sleepy daughter and smiled.
"Hey Mintypie, you still need a sleep?" Marzia asked and Minty nodded.

"Why do we yawn mom?" Minty asked and Marzia laughed a little and shrugged.
"I've no idea sweetie." Marzia stated then Minty looked at me with a frown on her face. I held up my hands and pulled a face.
"Don't look at me, I'm not a scientist." I stated and Minty frowned in disappointment.

"When I get home can I use the Internet to ask it why we yawn?" Minty asked and Marzia used her index finger to move a few ginger hairs from Minty's eyes.
"Maybe." Marzia stated and Minty yawned again.
"Minty?" I called and she nodded.
"Yeah dad?" Minty asked me.
"Go to sleep." I stated and she nodded.

"Okay, but I don't think I can sleep with a hyperactive pug on my lap." She stated and both me and Marzia looked down at her little pug that was snoozing on her lap.
"Oh yeah, he's extremely hyperactive." I states sarcastically and raised my eyebrow at Minty who laughed again with Marzia then she yawned again.

"Pass him here he can sleep in his carrier then you can have a sleep." Marzia said lifting Peanuts off Minty's lap then placed him into the carrier he was brought him. Almost immediately he started snoring on the cream blanket. I also saw Minty rest her little head against Marzia's shoulder and closed her little eyes to sleep. Marzia stroked Minty's head softly.

"Her hair is so soft." Marzia said to me as she stroked her fingers tips over Minty ginger hair.
"Hmm. Like yours." I stated and stroked the top of Marzia brown hair covered head. It was soft and smelt like fruit.
"I'm tired." Marzia whispered putting her head on my shoulder.
"You go to sleep if you want." I stated to her and she nodded against my shoulder.
"Okay." she said then sighed and closed her eyes to sleep.

I then decided to take out my phone from my pocket. I hadn't really been on it much because of what happened and I didn't check any social media while I was on holiday with Marzia and I didn't get chance to with the whole becoming a dad thing. I'm sure that my friends would want to know what had been happening. I looked at my messages seeing that Jack, Mark, Ken, Toby and Cry had all messaged me.

I checked through the the messages seeing that they all wanted to know how my holiday was and they all said congratulations. Mark also wanted to know it if I had, and I quote, knock Marzia up yet. That made me chuckled and I decided that I would call him to see how he was. The train journey would still be long and I would call my other friends in America. If I called Jack this late at night he would be grumpy because he needs his sleep. I called up Mark's number and held my phone to my ear as it rang.

Hey superheroes! Here's another update for this story and I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I knew that I had to update because this story got over 25,000 reads! That's 1/4 of 100,000 which is unbelievable! Thank you to all of you and I really do hope you enjoyed this story! I am so happy that all you amazing people have read this and I did think it could get any better. BUT THEN IT GOT 26,000 READS WHICH IS EVEN MOR MIND-BOGGLING! Thank you all so very much superheroes and I love you all and will keep working hard for you every day! Thank you again! And, PEACE!

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