49. Meeting my birth father?

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"Your," I sputtered feeling anger slowly rise in me.
"Are you Minty's birth father?" Marzia asked for me and the man chuckled.
"Yes, I am. The name's Richard Henson." he said trying to sound jolly and irish and that's when I snapped.
"Your the man that abandoned Minty and her birth mom!" I yelled wanting to lash out at him. Marzia put her hand on my chest stopping me and the man Richard stepped back.

"Felix? Marzia?" A little voice called and all three of us stopped and we turned to see Minty stood with a confused look on her face. She also had her hand laced in Billy's. Normally I'd be angry about that, but right now I have to deal with this useless creature, know commonly as Richard.
"Oh my god," he muttered looking at Minty with wide eyes.

Minty frowned at him then looked at Billy who was stood close to Minty.
"If she had longer dark hair she'd look just like her mother." he muttered taking some steps towards her. Minty looked a little worried and took a step back from him and Billy. I still felt anger but there was worry now as well for Minty. She looked scared.


Who was this man? And why did he say I looked like my mother? Billy looked at me with concern as the man started to step towards me.
"Who are you?" I asked him as he crouched to my level. He had a ridiculous smile on his face and I bet he would start to speak to me like I was seven.
"I'm your birth daddy." he said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I frowned at him in confusion then looked over at Felix and Marzia.
"You knew he was coming?" I asked not mad at them and they nodded.
"They invited me to this party. I know that you won't come back to Japan to live with me and the rest of your family, but I did want to meet you at least once in both our lives Luna Minty." He said stroking my cheek slowly and smiling at me.

I frowned even more at him and moved his hand away from my cheek.
"It's nice of you to come all the way to meet me, and I have been curious about what you would be like recently." I began explaining and he smiled at that.
"Good." He said and looked back at Marzia and Felix who were stood close to each other and Felix was glaring at my birth dad. Probably because what he just said about his wife and other kids being my family.

"Yeah. but it's not good for you to say that a family who I've never known about for ten years is my real family and will welcome me with open arms." I said bitterly and his smile vanished.
"I see." he muttered and stood up. "If I'm not your family then who is Luna?" He asked looking down at me with an angry look.
"Her family are the people she's grown up with!" Billy said loudly at my side and the man snapped his head to look down at Billy.

"Her real family is Nora, and me, and her friends Alex and Daisy, and all the kids at the orphanage that have been like her brothers and sisters, and Mack the bus driver, and most importantly Felix and Marzia." He exclaimed making my birth dad back off a little. Also when he said their names he pointed over at Felix and Marzia making my birth dad look over at them.

"They are gonna adopt her and be the best parents in the world to her." Billy added and my birth dad looked at them as if he were studying them. Eventually he looked back at us and sighed.
"Who is this rude young boy Luna?" He asked me and the way he said it made me mad. Billy wasn't rude, he was just stating the truth.
"This rude young boy has a name. It's Billy, and he's my boyfriend." I told him and he frowned pursing his lips disapprovingly.

"Luna I do not approve of you dating at eleven." He said and there were some small gasps. I didn't even know people had gathered around this small scene my birth dad caused.
"I don't need your approval." I said looking up hurt at him.
"And you got her age wrong." Marzia said making him look back at her with a serious face.
"I'm ten and my name is Minty." I told him and he looked down at me.

"Well, I'm sorry I got your age wrong Luna but you still do not have my blessing to have a boyfriend." He said lacing his hands in front of him. I shook my head and saw that Felix looked so angry steam would probably start to come out of his ears.
"I don't need your blessing because your not my real dad. You might have helped create me but you'll never be my real dad." I told him and grabbed Billy's arm then dragged him to Felix and Marzia.

With my other free hand I grabbed hold of Felix's hand so I was stood in between them. But we stood together against my birth dad, who I was starting to think wasn't he nice. He sighed in defeat with every eye on him and in his pocket came a ringing noise that was his phone.

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