74. Meeting some hungry pugs

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Dad carried me into the kitchen that was long and had modern appliances in it but it looked cool. Maya and Edger followed wagging their tails happily and I heard the sound of their paws thud against the wooden floor.
"Do you wanna let Peanuts out?" Marzia asked me and put the carrier on the floor. I couldn't respond because I was busy yawning loudly. Dad chuckled at me.

"I think she's a little too sleepy." dad said then crouched with me still in his arms to open the carrier door.
"Come on little guy, come on out." Mom encouraged dragging Edgar ways from the entrance. Dad and I looked down as my little brown pug wandered out slowly looking around with his big brown eyes at his new surroundings.
"Come on Peanuts." I encouraged him as he raised his little head to look around.

Edgar walked over to him looking down at my little pug then started to sniff him investigating Peanuts' sent. Peanuts helped afraid and backed away from Edgar. In response Edgar started sniffing his side and Peanuts then set off running around the kitchen with Edgar following. Me and my parents just laughed at them as Peanuts bounded back towards us barking loudly at Edgar who barked back once still trying to sniff him.

Then in front of mom and dad's feet Peanuts started running around in a circle still barking at Edgar.
"Oh my god!" Mom said between laughter as Edgar, still trying to sniff Peanuts, found himself in the centre of Peanuts' circle that he was running around like a mad dog. Edgar looked up at Dad tiling his head.
"He looks so confused!" Dad laughed then put me onto one of the dark kitchen counters, just next to mom.

"He doesn't want you to sniff him Edgar so stop chasing him." dad said to his little black pug then picked him up in his arms.
"But dis is ma house pewds and that little guy needs to know da!" Dad said in a silly voice that was suppose to be Edgar speaking. I laughed more and so did mom as she got out some food bowls. Dad looked over at me and pulled a duck face, yep a duck face.

"What de heck are you laughin' at kid?! You wanna a piece of dis?!" Dad joked in the same silly voice and held out Edgar by his sides and started to move him towards me. I cried out in pretend fear and scooted away from Edgar trying to escape holding up my hands in defence.
"You can't escape!" Dad said evilly and moved Edgar so close to me that he was able to lick my face, which was what he did as I laughed more.

Mom laughed as well and got out some food bowls for the dogs.
"Felix either put that crazy pug down or give him to Minty and please could you get me some dog food?" Mom asked getting some more dog bowls out and filled them with water.
"Okay." Dad said to her then he turned to look back at me.
"Do you wanna hold him?" He asked and I nodded eagerly. Dad then handed me Edgar and I cuddled him in my arms.

He looked up at me curiously before I started to pet his head a little.
"Hey Edgar, aren't you cute." I said and he licked my fingers playfully. I laughed.
"I think he likes you as well." mom said filling the dog bowls with dog kibble.
"That's good." dad began putting the school for the food in a large opened bag of dog kibble that was nearly bigger than him.

"All we have to do now," dad continued trying to lift the bag up back towards a long white wooden he got it from. "Is to get." he continued breathlessly trying to lift it again. "Peanuts to like him." Dad said nearly collapsing under the weight of the bag. Mum and I giggled as he just managed to get it into the cupboard. When he did he sighed and rested his hands in his knees puffing to get his breath back. Mom and I laughed harder when dad pulled a pose like a body builder, but he didn't have muscles.

"I totally nailed that." dad said with a deep voice that was a little American. Mom and I were nearly crying with laughter. Edgar jumped off my lap and onto the floor as dad put three food bowls and three water bowls down for them.
"Here you go guys." dad said giving Maya and Edgar scratches on the ears and Peanuts a little pet on his small head. I smiled happily when I saw all three of their tails wagging like propellers.

"They were hungry." I stated as dad picked me up again.
"Are you hungry sweetie?" Mom asked but I shook my head telling her no.
"I'm still tired though." I said yawning and rubbed my eyes with my hand, that was small to my dad's hand as he moved some ginger hairs from my face.
"I think it's about time you got some sleep Mintypie." he stated and I nodded.

"I've been saying that for hours now!" I exclaimed waving my arms a little and they both laughed.
"We'll take you to bed now Minty, I'll get your bag." mom said getting my suitcase and back pack.
"It's not decorate yet but you can have it decorated any way you want Minty." dad told me as he walked back through the kitchen to the hallway that lead to the stairs.
"Okay. Thanks." I told him and rested my head on his shoulder looking back at mum who was yawning herself.

Hey superheroes! So very sorry I haven't updated in a while. But here is chapter 74 at last! Also, soon I'm going to be starting another fanfiction story soon. It's a Rick Grimes one and I am writing it for my friend Rachel who is in love with him. Yes, like me she is a walking dead fan girl. I don't know when I'm going to start it but it won't be long away. Also I plan on making it 30 parts long so hopefully it will go well. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this update! Please can you vote and comment on it and follow me to get a follow back! Thanks for reading superheroes! PEACE!

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