Authors Notes :)

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Hi again! 

Now that I have finished "The Other Sister," I am beginning to write short stories (drabbles, one shots or head canons... I don't know the difference) staring the one and only: Sebastian Stan and his lovely Characters! Just a note, I have not seen a lot of these movies. (The Bronze, The Convent, and others) However, I just looked at some videos to kind of get a gist of what each character is about. I have a lot of stories about Bucky, and I will even be posting a social media AU with Charles Blackwood on here some day! So, that being said, I hope you enjoy! 

Edit made of Nov. 24th: Hi! Im back y'all and Im revamping!! I am making this less organized and less pretty because it is really hard to keep everything organized when its not all linked to individual posts. ANYWAY I am not deleting these stories, I am just rearranging them!! 

-Pigeon :)

(P.s. The picture above is not mine. I give all credit to the amazing soul who created it! As well as all of the pictures and gifs in further stories!)

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