7 ~ I'll Sing This Song For You (1)

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes (turning into Winter Soldier) x Reader

Warnings: Choking, angst, sad Bucky:( , Hints of death but no death.

Prompt: reader can snap him out of his 'winter solider mode' so have him get set off in a way and the have to call her in or something to bring him back.

A/n: I have wanted to do music themed stories for a long time! This is also pretty short so I'm sorry! THIS IS A TWO PART STORY!!!! Inspired by "Rainbow Connection" Covered by Sleeping At Last.

A/n: I have wanted to do music themed stories for a long time! This is also pretty short so I'm sorry! THIS IS A TWO PART STORY!!!! Inspired by "Rainbow Connection" Covered by Sleeping At Last

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You have known Bucky for a long time. But what you have never witnessed was the winter soldier. You thought that you wouldn't have to meet him. But HYDRA never left his nightmares. Bucky is the man that You love oh so dearly but Winter solder never knew that. He goes hostile once he hears those 10 godforsaken words.

It was a russle and a whimper in his sleep, that woke you up. You sat opened your eyes and looked over at the sleeping soldier. "Buck? Are you ok?" You reached your hand over to touch his cheek, but his eyes shot open. He jumped up, straddled your hips and had your arms pinned above your head. "Bucky! What are you doing??" He furrowed his brows and said "Who the hell is Bucky?" That's when I realized, the winter soldier came out.

I struggled and he said "Sweetheart it would be easier if you just cooperated. This would go a lot better." Tears began to form in your eyes as you said "Bucky come back to me! Please!" He wrapped his strong metal hand around your throat and began to squeez. You had sung to him once before and he seemed to love it, so it gave you an idea.

Through pained breaths, and a strained voice you began to sing.

"W-why are there so many
Songs about r-rainbows?
And what's on the other side?
Rainb-bows are visions
But only illusions
Rainbows h-have n-nothing to hide.
Who said t-that ev-very wish..."

His eyes began to switch from an icy, cold blue, to a warm ocean blue. You could tell he was fighting the winter soldier in his brain. He was fighting hard. The oxygen in your system was decreasing violently as you clawed at his hands around the delicate muscles and around your neck. "B-Bucky." You whispered before you were starting to see black engulf your vision.

Then, it clicked. He shook his head and saw the love of his life on the brink of unconsciousness. He ripped his hands away from your throat and placed them on your cheeks. "Babydoll come back to me please." Your eyes were rolling from side to side as you tried to focus on one thing: Breathing. You gasped and gasped trying to get an much air in your lungs as you could. Buckys voice was a mere echo compared to the pounding of your heart in your chest that you could hear in your ears. He shook your head as he desperately tried to wake you back up.

After several minutes of shaking you, you finaly came to partial consciousness. You looked up at Bucky through tear coated eyes. "B-Bucky?" Bucky sighed in relief as he rested his head on your chest. He was so happy to feel it rising and falling. "I'm so sorry little one. I'm so so sorry." You sat up a little bit and said "Bucky, I know how to make the winter soldier go away." He lifted his head up. "How?"

He laid back down next to you and sighed. You rolled over to face him and laid your head on his chest. "Buck, it wasn't you. I'm ok." He pulled you closer to him and he said "Y/n I almost killed you. How can you be so close to me like that?"

"Because I love you Bucky."

He kissed your forehead and said "How did you get me out of Winter Soldier?" You smiled and whispered "I sang to you." Without even looking at him, you could tell he was confused. "You know the song that I sang at karaoke that one time? And the one where you caught me singing while making cookies? I sang a song about rainbows and you came back to me." Bucky pulled you up so you were straddling him. He sat up and had you lay your head on his shoulder. "Little one, I knew it would be you that was able to make me come back. I am so sorry you had to find out the hard way." You didn't think it was possible, but he held you closer. "That gets me thinking." He continues. "I think you would do great on missions working coms. If HYDRA gets in my head again, I will need you to get me out of it."

You lit up with joy! "You want me to come on missions?" He chuckled and said "Yes little one. I do. Now let's get back to sleep so we can explain what happened tomorrow with Tony ok?"

You nodded and closed your eyes whilst cuddling closer to the man you love once again. "I love you Bucky. I love you so, so much. No matter what." He tilted your chin up with a gentle finger, and said "I love you too dove." You both leaned in, ending the night in a perfect, passionate kiss. You were excited to go on a mission. This would be your first time on a mission with Bucky!

As you closed your eyes, you dreamed of other songs that might soothe him. But for now, you are sticking with Rainbow connection. 

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