A Day at the Races

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Pairing: Dayton White x Reader

Warnings: Fluff, alcohol mentions, angst, car crash.

A/n: From the movie Logan Lucky. This was amazon prime video for free! But I believe it is getting removed:(

 This was amazon prime video for free! But I believe it is getting removed:(

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Race days. Where do you begin? The smells, the sites, the adrenaline rushing through your blood when you see Dayton cross the finish line! Being his number one fan was hard. You worked the social media, kept the press out of your business, and you man the ladies when they see him. No, you aren't is personal assistant, you are his girlfriend. And you are his everything. You mean more to him than his car. And that's Dayton White you are talking about.

Today was different. As you were getting his station set up, and making sure his pit crew was ready, he was by the press. Max, his partner, handed him a bottle of something. Knowing Max, you didn't think much of it. He was rich. He could have purchased a fancy bottle of water for all you knew! You shook off the suspicious feeling, and continued to make sure everything was perfect for Dayton.

Before all the cars were lined up, you pulled Dayton aside. "Baby, what did Max give you?" He place a quick kiss to your lips, and you smelled the scent of alcohol. Pushing away, you looked at him in a worried manor. "Dayton, you could die. You could die out there! What did he give you??" You shouted. You tried to push him away, but he grasped your shoulders, and said "Hey! It was only a sip. A little liquid courage before a race is never too bad." You put your hand softly on his cheek, and said "Day, please tell me you are not going to drive with that poison in your system. Please." You looked at him in desperation but was soon disappointed to hear the buzzer, warning the drivers to get in their cars. He sighed, and said "Wait for me at the finish line?" You nodded. "Always will." His soft lips molded themselves to yours as he kissed you goodbye.

Wrapping your arms around yourself, you watched him walk away. Something just wasn't right. And you were for sure about that feeling.


You made your way back to the tent where Dayton's crew stood, waiting for him to come for pit stop. Anxiously you stood, watching him go around the track hoping he does not get hurt. The sound of distress coming from Max pulled you from your intense watch of the race. "Dayton what's wrong out there??" He shouted through the microphone. A billion thoughts were running through your head. 'What if Dayton dies?' 'What is he gets hurt?' 'What if he gets hurt and doesn't remember me?' The thoughts were swirling through out your mind and you began to walk back to the track.

You found Dayton's car. Filled with smoke, and an unconscious Dayton. You knew you were not allowed to go out of the designated area of the crew, but this was different. This was the love of your life in danger! You had to do something! Sadly, the security held you back as you tried to save Dayton. You kicked and struggled trying to get to him. But they kept a strong hold on you.

When you saw them bringing him to the tent, the security team let you go, and you ran to his side. They had him on a gurney, and wheeled him to the med tend. There were no scratches from what you could see. But your worries never ceased. You held his hand, trying to get him to wake up and come back to you.

Finally after what felt like 3 hours, Dayton woke up. The first thing he did was ask for you. Quickly, you made your way to him. Dodging the people, and crew members. You opened the med tent, and found Dayton sitting on a cot holding an ice pack to his head.

With a worried look on your face, you ran over to him as quickly as possible. You wanted nothing more than to see him ok. His head shot up when he heard you say "Dayton?"

He sat the ice pack down, and caught you in a running hug. He should have listened to you when you pointed out what Max gave him. "Y/n-" Pressing your lips to his, you silenced his useless apology. All you wanted was to hear him say he was ok. After you pulled away from a well needed kiss, you searched his face for scratches, indents, blood and thankfully you found none. "Day, can we just go home? I need a night with you. And only you." You said, nervously looking around the tent.

"Ok pumpkin. Lets get going then. Max already lost us the race, so let's go celebrate our little win. How about that?" You smiled as he brought you into his arms once again. "Sounds great, Day." Before you walked out of the tent with his hand in yours, you pecked him one more time on the lips and said goodbye to everyone. Your man was safe, and that was all that mattered to you at this time. 

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