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Pairing: Chase Collins x reader

Prompt: Reader who had been adopted but not treated right by the adoptive parents

Warnings: Mentions of Physical abuse, adoption, PTSD, looking at self harm but nothing graphic. (I AM IN NO WAY PROMOTING SELF HARM), emotional abuse, low self esteem

A/n: Chase Collins from the movie "The Convent." (Or "The Covenant.." I actually don't remember. :/)

The make up didn't cover the bruise on your cheek very well

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The make up didn't cover the bruise on your cheek very well. All it did was take the blue part away. But this bruise was nowhere near as bad as the one on your back. Shaped exactly like a man's boot. You got really good at hiding your pain. Especially emotional pain. But after a while it gets so bottled up, you can hardly keep it in anmore. It comes out in anger, and sadness, and carving angry lines on your forearms.

All of this came when you first got adopted 2 years ago. A chance to have a family that loved you. A chance to have a home that wouldn't hurt you. A chance to live your life how you wanted to. However, your emotions were played with throughout how you lived. Your thoughts were interrupted all the time, your confidence stripped from existence. "No one will ask you to the dance you delusional little girl." That was last month. The mother who accepted to take care of you said that. All that confidence from your previous foster home that couldn't take care of you anymore just torn away by the family that chose to keep you.

"-Y/n?" You shook your head and noticed the classroom was empty. You had zoned out once again and missed a whole lesson. "Is everything alright Miss?" The teacher asked, slowly making his way toward you. "Y-ya. Just some family stuff. All caught up in here." As you packed your bag, your professor continued talking. "There is a new student here. He goes by the name of Chase Collins." You stopped packing your bag. You knew that name from somewhere. "Would you be able to welcome him into our school?" You swung your bag over your shoulder, and turned around confidently. "Yes sir. I will do my best to welcome him." You smiled.

Your professor replied "Very well! He is just outside the door. Thank you, dear." You nodded a goodbye to him, and slowly approached the classroom door. When you opened it, you saw the Collins boy. Making eye contact with him sparked something. It sparked a memory.

"Are you ok? What happened to you?" A quiet voice asked you. "My old foster brother punched me before they sent me back here. I never knew what physical pain felt like before them." The boy wrapped his arms around you as you cried. "It's ok, little one. You're safe here, with me. You don't need to worry when you are with me." You pulled away from the boys embrace and said "Thank you Chase. It means so much that I have someone here. I hope we both find a loving family."

You gasped and looked back at Mr. Collins. "Chase?" He smiled and said "Yes, ma'am thats m-." He paused and realized who was talking. "Y/n?" You nodded as a smile grew on both of your faces. "Chase I missed you so much. Ever sin- ever since you were adopted, I was so scared I lost you forever." He quickly dropped his stuff to the floor and pulled you into strong, loving arms. "I'm here now little one." You smiled at the familiar nickname, and said "Do you want to go to coffee and we can catch up?" He smiled and nodded. "Instead, there is actually a bar just down south from here. Some other people I met here are going there. Would you like to join us?" With no second thoughts, you agreed to go with him in hopes that he would calm your nerves.

Throughout the day, you walked to all your classes with Chase, talked with him at your locker, told him about a legend you heard

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Throughout the day, you walked to all your classes with Chase, talked with him at your locker, told him about a legend you heard. It was really good to see him again. When school came to an end, you both took a back road through the woods on a hike. "So what's it like being free from "home" for a while?" Chase asked.

"For a while, no. I'm never going back. They have slaughtered every chance at me coming back. Not only have they completely ridden me of my confidence, they also bruise me, physically abuse me, everything a family shouldn't do." He stopped dead in his tracks and grabbed ahold of your shoulders. "How many times have they hit you?" You sarcastically started counting on your fingers, but shrugged and said "Too many times. But when I got accepted here, I immediately moved away. Just recently, I had to go back into town and reset my mail to here and get my mail from my old house but my foster father was there. He did this." You gestured to your badly covered up black eye.

Chase lifted his hand, and you flinched. His face dropped as did his hand. You didn't mean anything by that, it was only out of habit. Grabbing his hand and placing it on your bruised cheek you said "It's a habit. But I want nothing more than to be held by someone who I think loves me." Something in his eyes changed. With little hesitation, he leaned in and his lips touched yours. You closed your eyes, and place a soft hand on his sharp jawline and kissed back.

You had never been happier. Standing in the arms of your safe place had never happened before. It had always been behind locked doors. Even then, it wasn't safe. But being in Chases arms gave you hope. He gave you hope.

"Little one?" He said as you pulled apart. All that you felt strong enough to reply was "Hm?" He leaned his forehead against yours and said "I'm never leaving you. You're safe with me. No matter what. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I am so happy our paths crossed. Now all I have to do is explain what the power is, and how I can live with you forever."

You smiled and leaned into his touch even more. The sigh of contednt that exited your mouth was enough to tell Chase that you were exhausted and that you needed rest. You were his little one after all. And you knew he would protect you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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