24 ~ The Breakfast Club

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Warnings: Lots of fluff, pining, betting on friends, fluff, more fluff, oh sharks! Did I mention fluff? unapprecieation, sad thoughts, cuddling, snuggling, Bucky calling reader "little one" (ITS ADORABLE I CANT HELP IT), a little close to sexual content but not even close. Like it's barely touching:), body worshiping I think(?), clumsy ass reader, cursing

 Like it's barely touching:), body worshiping I think(?), clumsy ass reader, cursing

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Noises and smells of all kinds hit everyone's noses this morning. Your nice nature made you decide to make everyone mini pancakes and waffles! You had much fun making breakfast for your fellow teammates using the little pastry maker you got as a present for Christmas. Thanks to Bucky, you had both the mini waffle maker and the pancake maker. That's why you made extra just for him. Your smile grew as you felt a familiar presence behind you. ln a flash, two strong arms were wrapped around your waist and lifted you off the ground. 

"Ahhh!! Bucky!! Put me down!" You say with a whine. You giggled as Bucky gently sat you back down on the ground, ruffling your batter-covered hair with his hand. "Goooood morning every- oh it's just you two. Well good morning!" Sam said, walking into the kitchen. As the two Avengers wandered through the food-filled room, it became crowded. "Ok, everyone out! If you want breakfast, you can wait patiently for 10 minutes while I finish." In defense, Sam lifted his hands and walked out of the kitchen. But before Bucky walked out, he stopped. "Need any help, doll?" He asked curiously. Turning around with a spatula in hand, you smiled and said, "I think I'd appreciate the help. Do you think you could cut up a few bananas and put them in a bowl, please?"

He nodded and proceeded to grab the necessary items for his task. Even as Bucky silently cut the bananas, the both of you weren't aware that Natasha had walked in. She stared for a moment before blurting out, "Will you both just kiss already? Y'all are taking too long and I'm just aching to get my $50 from Clint." Confusion hit both you and Bucky. You made eye contact with Bucky. "$50?" You asked curiously. Nat chuckled. "I made a bet with Clint, that by tomorrow, well today, Bucky would make a move on you. So, please just kiss." Nat walked out of the kitchen looking back one more time, giving us a small smirk. Shaking your head, you

laughed to yourself and continued to stir the rest of the batter.

Bucky leaned against the counter and watched you dance your way around the kitchen trying to finish breakfast quickly. Everyone was due at the table in less than 4 minutes, and you still had to finish the bacon AND the eggs. The look on your face made Bucky ask, "Do you need any more help, dove?" Turning around dramatically, you said sarcastically, "Nope! I have it all under control!" Through quite nervous laughs, you go back to attending the bacon. He silently crept behind you and put his hands on your tense shoulders. You jumped slightly. "Little one, are you alright?" Tears began to fall from your eyes. You turned around to face Bucky. "Oh, little one. What's wrong?" He pulls a chair and makes you sit down. Your purple and yellow apron were pulled off by Bucky, and he held your flour-covered hands. "Id just d-don't *hiccup* feel appreciated by the team. Am I j-just here as a q-uar-t-t jester? *hiccup*" You ask in tears.

Bucky's eyes softened at the fact that you felt unappreciated by the rest of his friends. "Here, I'll tell you what. Why don't you go wash up and get ready for the day? I will finish breakfast. Ok? I don't want you overdoing yourself." You softly shook your head. "No, Bucky. No. I can't. I have to finish this breakfast." You said standing up to turn the timer going off. Without even realizing it, you got too close to the bacon-filled pan. "OW! SHIT! Jesus!" As Bucky came running to your side, he scanned your face and body for signs of injury. As he inquired, he found a violently red and blistering burn on your forearm. More tears flooded your eyes as you leaned into Bucky. His arms instinctively wrapped around your body, and he rested his chin on top of your head. Feeling the burn on your arm rub against his shirt, you hissed in pain and pulled away from his

warm embrace.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. Oh my god. What do I do?? I'm not a medic! I barely know how to take care of a paper cut!" You frantically search the kitchen for some type of cloth or paper towel to put on it temporarily. But Bucky beat you to a cold washcloth. He gently took your arm in his hand and placed the cold cloth on the newly formed blister. As the burn cooled, you sighed. Bucky offered you his other hand, and you gladly accepted it. The sudden smell of 'burn' spread panic throughout your body. "Bucky! The bacon!" Your voice broke as Bucky ran toward the burning bacon. "Hold the cloth, doll". You took over the cloth on your arm.

Hearing the sizzling of the bacon stop, you breathed a sigh of relief. You wiped your tears and glanced at your burn. Despite finding a good angle to look, you saw enough to feel disgusted for sure. Within seconds, Bucky was at your side and quietly whispered to you, "I'll take care of them. I want you to go into the bathroom and wait for me. Ok?" You nodded and hugged him one last time. Steve emerged from his room before you could make it to the bathroom. Despite

your best efforts, you were unable to avoid him.

"Oh, Y/n. I am assuming you have prepared my coffee?" Ignoring him, you continue to shove passed him, trying your hardest to get to the bathroom. A searing pain made its presence in your arm as Steve grabbed it. "Ahh! Steve, please let go! Ow! Thank God Bucky heard your cries of pain. "Hey! Steve! Get off of her!" Bucky yelled at his blond haired friend. With a huff, Steve finally let go. Running to the restroom to wait for Bucky, you cradled your arm and sniffed. Steps could be heard outside the room, and Bucky entered. He crouched under the sink, grabbing the first aid kit. Bucky searched the first aid kit for burn oil while you sat patiently on the side of the tub. "I'm sorry, doll. Hold tight."

"Bucky?" You said barely above a whisper. He turned his head and replied "Ya, dove?" He gently approached you with medical supplies in hand, kneeling down in front of your shivering body. The burn frightened you, and you couldn't help but shake. "Thank you very much for your help. I really don't think I would have been able to do breakfast without you. It truly means so much." Cleaning your arm gently, he began bandaging the wound. "I'm so sorry, little one. I know, it's gonna hurt for a sec. Shh, shhh. I've got you." While he applied pressure on the burned part of your body, you whimpered. Suppressing the sobs inside of you was almost impossible. Screaming in pain was all you wanted to do. As Bucky finished his work on your arm, you laid your head against his chest, your tears soaking his shirt. "I've got you, Little one." He held you tight against him. It made you feel warm and loved to have him so close. Neither of you

wanted it to ever go away.

With nothing else to lose, Bucky scooped you up and took the both of you to his room. He lowered you gently onto the bed and climbed in next to you. As he scooted the both of you up to the top of the bed, he wrapped his arms around you again and kissed your forehead. In an unconscious moment, you planted a few kisses just underneath his jaw and near his ear. He hummed in acceptance, and he continued to give you more access. You moved past his ear and ran your lips across his forehead and down his nose. You closed your eyes and made the final push. Your lips pressed against his, softly running your fingers through his brown hair. Bucky ran

his fingers down your sides, giving you chills in the process.

Bravery took over along with confidence. You slowly rid yourself of your shirt, and Bucky sat in utter silence. Thinking that Bucky was disgusted, and covered yourself, reaching for your shirt. Buckys am hands came to yours and gently put them by your sides. "Absolutely beautiful, little one." He slowly pulled his tee-shirt off, and held you close. Kissing each of your cheeks and

finally your lips, you felt at home. And safe.

"Buck, please tell me why we have been friends for so long, yet we have never been brave enough to tell each other how we feel about one another?" He chuckled, and replied, "Dove, I have no clue." He kissed you once more before beginning to tickle your back. "I'm so glad it's you little one." He said with a smile. Allowing you to fall asleep, safe and sound in his arms.

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