36 ~ You Always Came Back (2)

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Pairing: Prince!James Barnes x (F) Seamstress!Reader

Warnings: kisses, proposal, a little bit of self doubt, mentions of needles for sewing, sleep deprivation(kind of but not at all), sewing, Bucky is a warning himself lets be honest!

You have bewitched me, body and soul. (Pride and Prejudice, 2005)
Place- Castle

A/n: This is also part two of You always came back (Part one obviously haha)! I hope you enjoy!

A/n: This is also part two of You always came back (Part one obviously haha)! I hope you enjoy!

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Continued from: A small chuckle left his lips. "Oh, angel. I never wanted to marry that witch who lives across the sea. And I never want to see that stable boy near you. Why don't we introduce you to my father? He would adore you just as much as I, little one."

Meeting Prince James was one of the many great things that had ever happened to you. Possibly the greatest. He had taken good care of you, just as you had taken good care of his clothes. And the day that he came back for the last time was in fact not heart breaking!

"...Why don't we introduce you to my father? He would adore you just as much as I, little one." Your cheeks turned pink at the compliment. Shying away from James's gaze, you walked to sit down. Taking in the offer on meeting the King. "I certainly don't think so, James. I assure you, I will be just fine mending the clothes of royalty. Not wearing them." You chuckled to yourself.

James didn't respond. Instead, he strolled to your closet. The closet you held him in before the guards decided to interrupt. Opening the doors, he looked through the endless amount of fabric. You watched as he pulled out one dress in particular. It was your mothers wedding dress. "How about you wear this? You would make this dress even more beautiful than it already is." Your cheeks were as red as a strawberry, and you turned away from James's powerful, yet gentle gaze.

Wearing the beige and white wedding dress that belonged to your late mother would make you feel so special. Standing out in the crowed would be one thing. But having the personal knowledge that your mother physically made the dress that sat in Jame's grasp, was made by your mothers own hands.

Day and night, up until her wedding to your father she was hemming, mending, sewing together, picking, unstitching, etc.

"Hey, hey, little one?" He sat the dress down on the table just next to the closet and made his way to you.

Kneeling down in front of you, he tilted your head with a gentle finger hooking under your chin. Your eyes met his, and the soft skin around them crinkled. His smile warmed your heart, filling it up to the brim with happiness. You couldn't help the feelings, but neither could James.

Both hearts pulled the two of you closer until your lips met in a chaste kiss. Strengthening the relationship that had always a bright future. As cliché as it seems, James is your knight in shining armor. Literally. Your smile grew with each second that passed, living the dream you always had: To fall in love with a prince.

"Come on, little lamb. Let's get you dressed and ready to meet my father." James said, gently tugging you up and off of your seat.


Tying the final string of the dress, all that was needed was a smile. Seeing James, put that smile on your face. "W-wow..." he says behind you in the mirror. He looked as though he had seen an angel. And perhaps he did! "You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart. I- hold on. Let me look at you."

He grasped your hand in his much larger one, gently guiding you into a twirl. The bottom of the lace dress fanned around your feet as you spun around in at least 4 circles before having to throw the towel in; fearing you would get sick.

Your attention was brought back to the mirror. The framed glass pictured the young woman that you are. Not who you were, or who you will be. No. Just who you are. And James had thoughts no prince should have for an un-betrothed woman in his presence.

James's tall frame towered above you, and you followed his gaze to your neck. Lifting his arms over my head revealing a simple yet intricate vine and rose style necklace. A small gem in the charm just hanging off of it. "James..." You say wistfully. "I- it's beautiful." You didn't know what to say as he clasped the necklace on the nape of your neck.

He turns you around and his large hand is rested on your cheek, his thumb brushing softly on the apple of your cheek. "You, are beautiful Y/n." His smile warmed your heart once again, and he gently pulled you towards the door. "It's a bit chilly out, here." He hands you his jacket that is many sizes too big for you and he chuckles. "That should keep you warm until we reach the throne room to meet my father, sweetheart."


The golden shimmer of the double doors came into view and your heart beat quickened. James grasped your hand and his other arm wrapped around your shoulders. "He is not scary at all, little one. I promise you. You are going to do great." James said with a soft smile, and a kiss to the temple of your head.

The double doors opened, and King Barnes came into view. You audibly gulped, and James squoze your hand reminding you to take deep breaths. "Father, this is Y/n Y/L/n. Before you say anything I want to say that she is not her father. She is not a person who has done bad things. She is the purest form of a human anyone could ever witness. She is my little one and I want to make her mind forever. Father, please allow me to betroth Y/n and make her Princess to this kingdom. A very worthy ruler."

Your cheeks were bright red, and you looked to the equally red carpet just under your feet. You wouldn't be being honest if you said you weren't terrified. King Barnes the IV was sitting above you, his crown on his head standing tall and proud in authority.

His eyes were burning holes in your head as you bowed it, showing him the respect you had learned from your father. "James, you have been sneaking to this woman's home to see her. Now you bring her to me and say you want to marry her? Dear, will you please step forward?" You anxiously stepped forward away from James and lifted your head.

"Do you love my son, Y/n?" With out a single hesitation you nodded. "Very much, my King." Your eyes met James's, and all time stopped. He was knelt on the ground, holding out a ring made of solid gold with one round diamond sitting proudly on the middle. Looking back to the King, he nodded, allowing you to approach his son.

"Little one, ever since I met you I knew you were the one. Your personality and your attitude was one reason to my returns to your home with more than one messed up uniform. I would be lying if I said those were accidents. You have bewitched me body and soul. And I love... I love you. Y/n Y/n will you do the honor of marrying me?" Your eyes grew teary, and your hands shook with excitement and the final nod came from your head.

A smile and a breath of relief escaped the Princes mouth as he stood up, sliding the beautiful engagement ring on your finger of your left hand. "I love you, little one. I love you so much." Your smile grew as his lips attached to yours in a soft, loving kiss. It was not an every day romance in a kingdom. But in this kingdom, it was the talk of the town and happiness was found in all of their hearts.

"I love you more, James. I love you so much more."

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