398,872 Is A Crowed, 2 Is Us

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Pairing: Lance Tucker x Female reader

Warnings: ⚠️ Social anxiety, anxiety attack, a background of emotional abuse, self doubt⚠️ (BUT SUPER HELPFUL LANCEY PANTS)

A/n: I have not actually seen this movie! But what I got from little snippets of other stories, and the trailer, I am hoping this is how Lance Tucker acts! 

A/n: I have not actually seen this movie! But what I got from little snippets of other stories, and the trailer, I am hoping this is how Lance Tucker acts! 

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Lance stood in the door way of your bed room looking at the beautiful mess that stood before him. Clothes, books, papers all littered around your body like some sort of dress. "Are you almost ready to go baby?" You look up with tears in your eyes. "What on earth am I supposed to wear?? You always have your track suit, and I'm just a nobody who is with you." His features softened and he walked to sit beside you.

Hot tears flowed down your cheeks as he pulled you in close. He ran his fingers through your hair and whispered sweet nothings into your ears. You could hear them, but you didn't want to. You knew no one could fix the anxiety. Not after what the people did to you. Everywhere you went, no matter where. They yelled, called you names, made you feel unwanted. Calling you a disappointment, calling you everything you didn't want to hear.

And you beleived it.

You believed every lie that society told you. After scolding you for doing nothing, making you feel like you have to say sorry for everything, making you say sorry for just existing. After everything they did to you, you still love them the same. Just like the councilor said you would. But you didn't believe her either. What you had to focus on now-

"Hey, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" You pulled away from the warm embrace of Lance Tucker, whom you never would have thought would be one for cuddles. "I'm just worried about being in front of all those people. What if they don't like me? What if they think Hope is better off with you? Or Maggie?? I'm a nobody compared to you." He gently placed both of his hands on your tear covered face and said "No. You are everything compared to me. I'm honored to be by your side when walking onto that floor in the arena. If you don't feel comfortable going out with me today, then that is ok. You can always stay on the sides. There is no pressure to walk out with us. None at all."

You smiled and wiped the tears away. "Thanks Lancey. That means *hicup* a lot. I just don't think that I would be able to look brave enough out there. You have a reputation that you are so great at keeping and a personality that just screams confidence. But I can't even find what shoes will look good with these pants. Or what pants will-" Lance cut you off with a soft kiss to your lips. He could tell you were doubting yourself. You just needed a little confidence boost! "Baby, stand up for me." Lance said. You looked up at him with confusion. "Hm?"

"Just stand up for me!" He said with a smile. So you stood up. You were in (insert favorite outfit of yours that you feel oh so confident in!) and still felt a little down about yourself. "What will people think of me?" Lance shook his head snd said "Only focus on me. Ok? You. Looks. Stunning. Absolutely gorgeous. Looking at you now is making me feel so happy and honored to even know you. I know things you have gone through in your lifetime have been hard. And I know that things are getting better. You just have to look hard enough. And," He grabbed a hold of your hands, "you are beautiful. Amazing and just plain out kind and cute. You are mine and I am proud to say that. Please don't let the people bother you. And just remember. 398,872 is a crowed..." your eyes widened at that number.

Lance quickly gave your hand a squeeze, and brought your attention back to him. "... but 2 is us. And all you have to focus on is me. Ok love?" You smiled and leaned back down to meet his lips with yours. Kneeling back down onto the mess of clothes and books on the floor, you curled back into a ball of worry in Lances lap. For the time being, that is until the gymnastics meet, you felt protected. You knew that your mentality couldn't catch you in his arms. Not even your worries.

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