20 ~ Forget Me Not (1)

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Warnings: Toxic relationships, gold digging, fatigue, mental health issues, depression

Prompt: ½ well,i have this idea where seb Stan or one his characters and reader was dating but broke up and kinda became strangers(there's not something wrong between them,they just don't talk)and then he gets into a toxic relationship and in a few months it really affects his mental health and he looks ill etc. but he can't get out of it. then he and the reader see each other for the first time in months and she helps him to get out of the relationship and get better. and then it all fluff:) 2/2 i mean like they are shy as if it's the first time they met and they blush when the other compliments and they go on cute dates etc. i mean everything cute you can think of hahaha don't forget that you can change things!

A/N: I know this one is short, but this will be a 2 part story! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

A/N: I know this one is short, but this will be a 2 part story! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

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It was a long time since you even looked his name up. It had been months. You got a new job, a new house, a new life after him. You forgot about him and that was that. You weren't planning on running into him or his current girlfriend. It would be weird if you said hi, so you just kept to yourself as you set up your laptop in a booth.

You couldn't help but listen to what him, (him being Bucky Barnes, also known as your ex) and his girlfriend talking to him. "...the coffee....too expensive...... we still have to go shopping..." and other gibberish you couldn't understand. However, that didn't stop you from looking in the direction of the two people. "Baby, that's too expensive. If we spend it all today we won't be able to afford the necklace you wanted." Bucky said. A high pitched voice filled the store and said "You're rich Barnes. You're an avenger. I know you can afford coffee and gas to go to the mall."

The blonde woman grabbed the coffee cup from the counter, and stomped out of the store. You weren't surprised when you saw her standing in front of a red Ferrari. Looking back to the counter, you see Bucky sigh. He looked exhausted and stressed. A horn sounded from outside and attention was drawn to the fancy car through the windows. 'Gold digger' you thought with anger. Bucky didn't deserve this. He is too good of a guy.

You went back to work, deciding not to give the woman what she wanted. Attention.

You felt eyes on you. When you looked up, Bucky's sight was on you. Giving a small smile and a wave, his face lit up. He looked just a little happier! It felt good knowing that you made someone's day just a little bit brighter. Even if it is just a small amount.

Bucky showed up in your daily routines more often

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Bucky showed up in your daily routines more often. You were happy about it! Seeing him around brought back decent memories of the two of you, and you happily let them in to your mind again. The negative ones were still there, obviously. However, you decided to not let those bad memories decide how you work.

The more you saw Bucky, the more ill, and fatigued he looked. Concern filled your system to the top, and you needed to check in with him. The next time you saw him, was on the couch at the compound. Mr. Stark remembered you, and gave you permission to see him.

He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was a ratted mess. It looked as if he hadn't slept in days. His hands were shaking, and so was his leg. To be honest, he was a human earth quake. You empathized him. You could feel his pain.

As you shut the door quietly, you made your way over to Buckys tired and exhausted body. You sat next to him, silently waiting for something to happen. At this point in time, you didn't know what to do. It had been too long since you and seen him, and you both felt like complete strangers. For 2 years, you were. But that changed today.

"I can't get out of it." He said suddenly. You knew what he meant. He was in a toxic relationship and the woman he was with paid no attention to his health. Only to his money. "Buck, It hurts to see you like this. I can help you. If you let me." He turned his head, and showed you a hopeful expression. You scooted closer to him, and laid your head softly on his shoulder. "Are you sure?" He asked in a whisper. You grabbed his hand, and you nodded slightly. "I've got you Jamie." He smiled at the nickname you had just for him. It brought back great memories from when the two of you were together. Memories you loved and cherished so dearly.

20 minutes passed by slowly. An idea struck your head. "Can I ask you a question Jamie?" He hummed an answer and you continued. "What do you see in Alejandra?" You were somewhat surprised when he said quietly "Nothing." Nodding, you took his hand again, and said "Stay here. I'm going to go get us some lunch. But I need you do a huge favor for me." A smile appeared on his face and he said "What do you need?"

You told him your plan. Text Alejandra this [address] and tell her to meet you there in 10 minutes. You stay here, and get the rest you need. Go take a nap." You helped him up off the couch. "You deserve it." You said with a smile.

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