6 ~ Whats Left of This?

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Paring: 40's!Bucky Barnes x reader

Warnings: Angst, forgetful Bucky

Prompt: AU where Bucky and reader are dating/married and Bucky gets lost in his work,trying to provide for them and the possible future children. He doesn't realize that he's basically ignoring her. And when he's working late night on her birthday, because he completely forgot about it she's not sure if she can go on like this anymore.

No authors note for this one:)

No authors note for this one:)

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Another week. Another week where you ate dinner alone. Another week where you went to the grocery store alone. Another god damn week you woke up to an empty bed. Every day and every week is the same routine. Wake up to see Bucky at his desk writing away at the papers his work gave him, make breakfast and bring it to him, clean, read, and then make a small lunch, also bringing it to Bucky while he is working. Then after a long morning of working and working, you take a nap on the small couch in Buckys office. He never notices you when you sleep, but you're there.

At night, you make dinner which you also bring to him at his desk. Then you both get into bed. He always apologizes for "getting lost in his work." And you always forgive him. That always leads to wanted to get his mind off the work. So he goes back to his mindset of wanting a child. You have always wanted a child, but with all of his work, you don't think that he would be the greatest father. He can barely keep himself and his wife, let alone a child, supported in this house. So you did what you dreaded to do the day you met James Buchanan Barnes.

"Buck can I talk to you for a second?" He looked up from his papers to see tears flowing down your face. He stood up and said "What's wrong buttercup?" You sniffled and said "I don't know how much longer I can do this James. It's the same routine everyday. I give and give but I barly ever see you. You're always having your head in those papers and you never come out. You need to keep in mind you have a wife, and a life and friends. And possibly even children. But I don't want my baby to grow up without a father. Do you even know what day it is?" He sighed and said "its just an ordinary Tuesday buttercup." You scoffed and said "You are so caught up in all of this work you don't even know what's going on around you. You have been working all day and all night! You can't even step away for 20 minutes to have a small lunch with your wife. Or 5 minutes here to sit on the couch and relax with your wife. What is left of us Bucky? What. Is. Left?"

You turned around to walk out the door but you stopped. "Today is my birthday, by the way. But I guess your work has more importance." Buckys mouth hung open slightly. He was confused and everything had happened so fast. He made his way to the table by his side of the bed and pulled out a little box. He knew it was your birthday, he just wanted to give you your present later. By the time he reached the study door, he heard another one close. You were going on a walk into town to meet your mother for coffee. But Bucky knew better than to let you walk out on him.

"Y/n wait!" You turned around after walking halfway down the apartment steps. "I want to apologize. I have been working too, too hard and I havnt been spending the time I need to with you. I'm so so sorry buttercup. Please come back inside. I have something for your birthday that I did not forget about." Tears stung at the insides of your eyes. "Buck, you said it yourself. It's just an ordinary Tuesday." He gently placed his hands on your face and said "This is no ordinary Tuesday. This is your Tuesday and I'm going to make it up to you I promise." You we're very curious at this point. With an eyebrow raised you asked "How will you make it up? Will you eat dinner with me every night? Will you wake up in bed with me every morning? Will you think about having kids and being there for them?" He gave you a sad smile and said "Just come inside, please buttercup. I need to show you something."

You allowed him to take your hand and lead you back inside. Nothing was different, but there was a lighter feel to the place. Bucky quickly helped you take your jacket off, and had you sit down on the old green sofa he got from Steve's place. He ran to our room and grabbed a little pink box. He sat down on the couch next to you and said "I got this from your mother. I wanted to wait until your birthday to give this to you." You opened the small box and it revealed a small diamond necklace. It was your grandmothers. "Buck I-" he cut you off with a soft kiss to the lips. You leaned into his touch as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You both pulled apart and he said "Please forgive me Y/n. I promise you I will do much better as your husband." You smiled and let a tear fall from your eye. Buckys thumb was there to catch it, and you said "I love you Bucky. We can fix this right?" He nodded quickly and said "yes. Yes of course we can. I've got you and you got me right buttercup?" You nodded and rested your forehead against his. "That's right Buck-a-roo."

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