32 ~ Demon With Angel Eyes

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Pairing: Angel!Bucky x (captured)Demon!reader

Prompt: "Aren't you tired of being good all the time?"

Warnings: Bucky calling the reader little one. (It's cute >:( ), mentions of fire, captivity, angels and demons, cuddles, kisses, CUTENESS!, Cursing

Summary: Y/n was thrown out of Hell and into the light. She Is still confused as to where she may belong, whether that be good or bad.

The cell door squeaked open, and an angel with a star on his shoulder and blond hair entered

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The cell door squeaked open, and an angel with a star on his shoulder and blond hair entered. "Can you tell me why I am here please? I want to go back home." You said pleading to be let go. Weakness didn't feel good to you. But when weakness came to you, it was hard to hide once again. "Hey, it's ok. You are safe now. We will not hurt you, ok?" The man said softly. You were skeptical.

"Why are you doing this? What am I doing here? Are you sure you aren't going to hurt me? How can I trust you?" The angel chuckled and shut the cell door behind him. "You ask too many questions. Now, what I need you to know is that we need something from you. It is not painful to acquire, but it will be best if you cooperated."

Stubborn was your middle name. "No. What ever you want, you can get yourself. Talk to the big man. You don't need me." You said, standing up a little straighter. The burst of independence must have made the angel angry. "Do you want us to send you back to your father, darling girl?" You flinched, being called darling girl brought back so many memories of your father.

The angel didn't seem to care, and began to exit your cell. "Maybe you will behave a bit better with another one of us. Then we can get somewhere with answers from you." You scoffed. "You never asked any fucking questions anyway! What are you complai-" He cut you off. Roughly grabbing your jaw in his hand he said, "You are in sacred grounds. If you want to keep your tongue, I recommend not being so crude towards our people. Understood sweetheart?"

With a reluctant nod, you cowered back onto the hard bed. Once the door to your cell shut, the screams began to escape and almost all hope was lost. "YOU CAN'T KEEP ME IN HERE FOREVER!!! COME ON!!!! COME FIGHT ME YOURSELVES!!" Your screaming fit was interrupted by a loud slam to the cell door. Eyes snapping to the source of the sound, you are met with a different angel this time. Burnett hair, striking blue eyes, and a strong metal arm. "Jeez, doesn't anyone up here own shirts?"

The man standing across the room, to your surprise, chuckled at your joke. "In fact, we do. It just gets very hot down here." He gestured to the fire, pulsating around your figure. You were angry and you sure had the right to be. Shrugging, you sat down on the hard stone surface they called a bed; Trying your best to cool off. The hope inside you was fading... fading fast. "Doll, is everything alright?" The man said in a soft tone, from the corner of the room. A quick, forced nod. He could easily tell that you were not.

Laying down on the cold stone, facing away from the Angel, you said "I hate it here. Just let me go and I won't tell anyone anything. I still don't know why you have me here!" A sigh escaped out the mouth of the angel and he replied, "My name is James. If you would kindly follow me, we have a more comfortable room set up for you. All I ask is that you keep the fire to a minimum? There are... how can I say this... many feathers floating about this world. I would not want much of it to go. It is quite beautiful. Just like yourself."

You snorted out a laugh, "Aren't you tired of being good all the time? Don't you want to know what it is like to be bad? Do you want to know what it feels like to sin?" His smile faltered and he shook his head no. "No. In fact, I am very content with being good-hearted. It comes with rewards you know." You shook your head in disbelieve. "Come on, the le-" Without another second, he was in front of you, gently holding your jaw. "I have told you once and I am not going to tell you again. I do not want your sins to spread to me. Do. You. Under. Stand?" You nodded, "Y-yes sir. I do. I'm really sorry..."

You couldn't hide it anymore, and the tears began to fall. It took James by surprise, seeing that a demon had tears spilling from their eyes. "I-I don't know where I belong. I am falling apart, literally." Hesitantly, you roll up your sleeve to show James what you were talking about. His eyes widened once he saw the violent 'crack' in your arm. It looked as if you were made of porcelain, and someone had dropped you. He gently ran his fingers down your arm and to your fingers. "What happened, dove?" Your shoulders slumped, and you stood up.

"All I remember was the pain. Suffering, screaming, burning, B-breaking." A whimper escaped your lips as you replayed the memories in your head. "I wanted to be good. But my father had other plans. He was brutal with his punishments. Each time he was done with me, he threw me in the deepest, darkest depths of hell,"

",he always said, "If you don't want to be like me, I will leave you down there until you are. That will show how much better you see in the dark instead of the light." The one threat that he said never would happen was sending me to earth. I trusted him. But he hurt me! The man who raised me, Lucifer, my father, hurt me the most. James, tell me. Why do the people we love the most hurt us the just as much?"

James's heart broke seeing you like this. So vulnerable and emotional. You truly were meant to be good, all you needed was a guardian angel. James cautiously approached you, being sure not to frighten you. A warm hand was placed gently on your shoulder.

"James, what do I do? Was I meant to be good? Or was I meant to be bad?" James sighed, and rubbed small, comforting circles on your back. "I may not have all the answers, but I know someone who does. But right now, I think you should rest. You have had a long couple of days. When Steven found your lifeless body outside the gates, he took you in. The "big man", what you call him, felt it was best for you to come down here and cool off. Your body was on fire, little one."

Pausing, he cupped your cheek so very softly; Rubbing the pad of his thumb across your porcelain-like skin. "You were in danger. He just wanted to save you. Now that I am here, you will always be protected." You scoffed, looking up at the ceiling. "What if I don't need protection? What if all I need is someone to love me?" In the corner of your eye, a smirk appeared on James's plump lips. He subtly turned your head towards his, and he leaned in. For an angel, he was sure a flirt!

Once his lips touched yours, butterflies filled your stomach; Leaving you rendered speechless. Breaths were short, eyes were closed, foreheads touching. You and James were meant to be. His arm snaked around your shoulders, as he asked, "May I hold you, little one?" With a nod indicating you gave him permission, he stopped. "May I show you to your room first? It might be a bit more comfortable than this old thing." He said, gesturing to the "bed" you sat on. It was a sight to see when a smile grew on your face as you nodded once again

He led you up the stairs, and into a white room with many other different flora and fauna themed items. It sure seemed like heaven. Your hand ghosted over the soft blanket covering the queen sized bed. With the injury that is plastered on on your arm, you didn't know what evil may leak from it. "Is everything to your liking?" You jumped, not remembering James behind you. You nodded, continuing to look about the room. "What happens if my father-" James shushed you. "Hey, its going to be ok. Your father is far away from here. You are safe now."

He was very close, you noses almost touching. His hand very gently roamed its way around your neck, and cheek. It was soothing to have such a gentle touch be present around a demon. Little did you know, you were just needing to be loved. "Little one, will you-"

You couldn't hold in the obvious feelings anymore. You crashed your lips on to his, setting in motion an angel and demon love story. Every night, he holds you until you fall asleep, when you woke up. He kept you happy, as did you to him. You were with James, you were right where you were meant to be.


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