31 ~ The Hair Brush

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Warnings: Cryo-sleep chamber, sad boi hours, happy boi hours, mentions of torture and hair pulling (if there is anything else please let me know!)

Summary: Bucky is still in recovery from cryo-sleep. But the thing he loves most is the way you brush his hair.

A/n: I have not seen Endgame or Infinity war, but I do know that he goes back under the ice in wakanda, and stays there for a little bit. So here he is in Jesus Bucky mode:)

Today was the day that everything fell back into place

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Today was the day that everything fell back into place. Bucky came out from under the ice, and you were complete again. Once Shuri freed his mind of the poisonous words HYDRA planted in his mind, he was back to being the loving Bucky before. Sure, he had his moments of dispare, and he was not all there. It has not been easy coming back from being used as a weapon most of his life.

You couldn't imagine what Bucky went through when he was in captive with HYDRA. The things he can remember were terrible. You felt honored that he chose you to talk to the most. Even more than Steve and even his own therapist. He said "it was your charming nature" that made it easier for him to talk to you. That made you smile, when ever you thought about it!

When you visited him in Wakanda just a few weeks ago, the words had not disappeared just yet. Shuri had all of the science behind it, but there was still a few things that were unsure. She lead you to Bucky who was still in the cryo-chamber, sleeping peacefully. "Miss. Y/n? If you will follow me, Mr. Rogers is expecting you." Your hand reached up to the glass, gently ghosting over the barrier between the face of Mr. Barnes.

Steve Rogers was in Wakanda to be there when his best friend wakes up. His excitement was hard to hide. It had been too long since he has seen his best friend and there were many things to be said and done to make up for that lost time. The blond captain stood against a table, anxiously waiting your arrival. "Stevie?"

His head shot up, and a look of relief fell over his features. He enveloped you in a long, needed hug. A small kiss to the crown of your head had caused a smile to break, slowly growing bigger by the minute. "Im convinced he's in love with you, sweetheart." He said in your ear.

It took you off guard, not believing that Bucky had feelings for you. Steve and the team thought otherwise. In your thoughts, the feelings have been mutual. Innocent flirting and teasing between the compound, and wakanda occurred. Bucky had been happy with you, but was scared the Winter Solider would come back to haunt him, and hurt you and the rest of the Avengers.

All those trials brought you to this moment. This very moment in time, where you will see Bucky again. Steves brought you back to earth with a gentle hand on your shoulder. It was time... "Are you ready, Y/n?" He said, with a smile on his face. You nodded, joining Shuri, T'challa and a sleeping Bucky. "He is ready to be woken up." Shuri said, as she pressed a button

A soft beeping filled the air along with a whoosh and the ice around Buckys body began to de-frost. The ice withered away from his head, making the glass clear once again. It was a joy to see his face! The door opened, and Bucky's ocean eyes opened. You looked up to Steve, smiling as wide as you were.

Bucks eyes scanned the room, and met Steves gaze followed by yours. As he stepped down from the chamber, his lips tugged towards his ears and tears stung behind his eyes. It was a joy to see him! It had been too long since you had seen him. You were on a mission when he went under the ice again, and had regretted everything you hadn't said to him. You loved him. The chance of telling him never came to the surface.

"Little one?" He said; His voice rough from sleep. With a nod, you approached him. Immeadatly pulling him into a hug. His tears soaked your shirt. His shirt soaked by your own. "I missed you so much Bucky. I- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, I messed up. I needed to tell you before you went under the ice." His eyes softened as he looked up to see Steve. The captain gave a slight nod with a smile, allowing Bucky to take you to a different room.

Following him with your hand in his, he sat you down on a chair and kneeled in front of you. "Y/n can you look at me, please?" He said in a soft voice. You met his eyes with yours and held on tighter to his hand, holding it as if you were going to lose him again. He smiled, "I missed you too, doll. There wasn't much you could do, you were in Dubai. I wish you could have been there, but duty calls. Please don't beat yourself up for something you didn't have control over. Ok?" You looked down, avoiding his stare. A gentle finger tilted your head to meet his. "Can you do that, little one?"

He wiped a tear away from your cheek, and you nodded. "I-I can, Bucky. I promise." He leaned forward, and pressed his lips to your forehead. Instantly sparking something between the two of you.


"Yes, love?"

"Can I brush your hair?"

He looked up, confused. But smiled, none the less. "Why, doll? What's so special about it?" You thought about everything he went through with HYDRA. They man handled him, hurt him, tortured him. You couldn't help but thing that they pulled his hair and left it a mess, greasy, and matted. At that moment in time, it looked like it hadn't been brushed in a while, and you wanted to help.

"I-, I just want to take care of you. I don't know what you went through with HYDRA, and I can't-" More tears fell down your cheeks, falling onto your hands folded modestly on your lap. Bucky stood up, exited the room and came back with a small hairbrush. He sat down in front of you, and handed you the tool. "Go on, little one. You are not going to hurt me, your hands are so gentle." He urged you to brush, and you couldn't refuse.

Confusion stirred in your head, wondering where he got the brush. Shaking your head to dismiss the thoughts you slowly lifted the brush to his hair, gently running it through his brown locks. It was soothing for him to have such a gentle touch to his head, instead of having a HYDRA soldier pulling at it. Getting him to do things that are unthinkable, unwillingly. In his mind, this is the best thing that has ever happened. Getting his long and some what greasy hair brushed by the woman he loves.

"I love the way you brush my hair, dove." He quietly says, as his eyes close. A content smile falls over your face in relief, and you continue. Once his hair is de-tangled, soft, and brushed, you run your fingers through it. Scratching his scalp, trying your best to relax him. "Is this ok, Buck?" He nodded immeadatly, and replied quietly, "Amazing, doll. Just amazing."

He tilted his head back, looking into your eyes. "I should have told you I loved you long before you went under the ice. I should have told you." He paused, holding back the tears that threatened to fall. "I- I should have told you. I should have told you... I remembered you." Everything went silent. You turned him around softly and he followed. "Y-you remembered me?" He nodded. "When Steve found me, he, he said your name. Something inside me clicked, and it was like I was never afraid, and the soldier was never a part of me,"

"I have always loved you, little one. It's always been you." His words brought tears to your eyes, and you leaned down pressing your lips to his. You ran your fingers through his freshly brushed hair, and he stood up. As you stood in his arms, his lips stuck to yours, you felt at home. And safe.

But, so did he.

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