17 ~ Puppy Licks and Candle Sticks

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Warnings: Floof. So much floof its not even funny hahahahah ^-^

Prompt: Reader gets Bucky a dog for Christmas and then out of the blue Bucky proposes :)

Prompt: Reader gets Bucky a dog for Christmas and then out of the blue Bucky proposes :)

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Puppies. So many to choose from. On your left are Cocker spaniels, on your right, are Poodles, and in your arms is an Austrian shepherd. Having just turned nine weeks old, you carried the soft, cuddly mutt up to the counter to adopt it. You thought to yourself, 'Bucky is going to adore this!'

While you put the sleeping puppy into the carrier you had recently purchased, a smile came across your face. The image of her nesting in the blanket looked so peaceful. The employee eagerly handed you the puppy, together with the needed paperwork to accompany it. Thanking him, you then picked up the bag of puppy items and walked carefully to the car. You ensured that her eyes were still closed before you buckled her in before driving back to the compound.

Thankfully the team was all out on an emergency assignment for the remainder of the day and they will be here for Christmas eve! Your intention was to give Bucky the puppy tonight! This worked out nicely! The puppy quietly barked in her sleep as she was carried to the top of the compound. Hoping she would stay asleep by the time that the team returned, you just entered the front door. However, as you entered the room you were surprised by a very different scene than the one you had anticipated. Instead of Christmas decorations, as it should be in the middle of December, there were candles. Individually lit candles lining the hallway to the room you and Bucky shared.

As you followed the precisely positioned candles, you discovered the culprit. Bucky was sitting on the big love seat in the corner of the room, his knee shaking. You set the dog carrier down facing away from him. "I thought you all were out on a mission." You stated with a nervous chuckle. "I stayed, I had something to do." He replied with a big, toothy grin on his face. You looked around and asked curiously, "What is all of this, Barnes?" Bucky stood, and took your hands in his. "Dove, you are the light of my life. My one and only love. My little one. And boy, I love you so much. So much in fact, I wish to spend the rest of my life with you." He knelt on one knee, and you covered your mouth with your hands. He continued, "That being said, Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?"

Bucky could see your mind was running circles. Smiling like crazy, you said, "Y-yes Bucky. Yes!" Bucky let out a sigh of relief as he stood up and slid the beautiful diamond ring on your finger. As you cried, he kissed your lips passionately and wrapped you in his strong arms. "I love you little one. I love you so much." You loved it when he called you little one." You looked up at him and said "Little one, I love it when you get called that.The sound of him calling you little one brought you back to reality. "Oh my god! I almost forgot!" Your eyes dried and you went to pick up the puppy from its carrier. But when you looked in the seat, the puppy wasn't there.

Your heart plummeted to your stomach. You just lost a puppy in the compound. You searched for the white, soft dog desperately, but could not find her. Panic filled your system. "Are you alright, doll?" Your head snapped up to look at him. "Hm? Oh! Ya! For sure! I just misplaced something. Hold on. Do NOT move from this spot! I have to go find something real fast. Bucky laughed softly as he returned to his seat on your couch, while you went to search for the runaway pup. You silently returned to the room after a long search, only to discover Bucky fast asleep on the couch. You smiled softly as you joined him on the couch. "I love you so much Bucky. And so does this little thing." His eyes slowly opened, and he was met with the eyes of the lost mutt. He looked over to you, and sat up. "Doll, what is this?" You sheepishly smiled and said "Merry Christmas?"

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