|Lemongrab| Friends

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Requested By: user05907847

Genre: Platonic

(Y/N): Your First Name
(Y/S): Your Species
(F/FL): Your Favorite Flowers
(F/F): Your Favorite Food
(F/C): Your Favorite Color

(Y/N)'s POV

"So, let me get this straight... You want me to babysit?"

"I just need someone to look after Lemongrab for the time being," Princess Bubblegum explained as she cleaned all of her science equipment.

I looked out the window and saw Lemongrab shouting at a lemon on the ground.

"Grow! I said grow!" he screeched, making me wince.

"Isn't there anyone else available?"

"All of the candy people... dislike him since he threw them all into the dungeon and Finn and Jake are still out on the mission," PB explained as she took off her goggles.

"Please, (Y/N)? He's not so bad once you get to know him," PB reassured as she put a hand on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh as I looked back at the lemon man.

Now, he kept screaming inside a hole he dug for the lemon that was too deep.

"...Fine, but you owe me big, PB."

I walked out of the castle and saw Lemongrab screaming out to the sky.

I gulped as I balled my fist, walking up to him.

"Um... Lemongrab?" I called out, making him perk up from inside the hole.

"Ngh... Who are you?" he asked rudely, making me want to step on his face.

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) the (Y/S). Princess Bubblegum told me to accompany you this afternoon," I introduced myself as he climbed out of the hole, staring at me.

"W-What were you doing inside the hole?"

"Trying to make that grow," he pointed at the lemon, who was sitting at the bottom of the hole.

"But it hasn't even grown a single root. Unacceptable! UNACCEPTABLE!" he screamed, making me cover my ears.

"H-How about I help you plant it!?" I shouted, making him stop.

"You will?" I nodded quickly, hoping he wouldn't scream again so close to me.

"That's... would be good," he replied shortly, making me sigh in relief.

"How about we ask for lemon seeds from PB for starters, hm?"

We spent the rest of the day planting with me, explaining to Lemongrab what to do.

"It will take how long!?"

"A-A couple of days, but I'm sure time will fly by like that!" I snapped my fingers, "So don't fret over it. In the meantime, how about we just..." I looked around for something to keep him occupied.

In the far corner of the garden, I saw a small set-up with cakes and tea.

"How about we take a break?" I motioned to the table, making Lemongrab look.

"...Very well, (Y/N) the (Y/S)," he answered as he walked over.

I sighed in relief as I wiped away the sweat on my forehead before following him.

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