|Finn The Human| Maybe It Won't Be That Bad

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Genre: Human!Female!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name

Main Idea: You're one of the last humans who survived the war and you just woke up in the Ice Kingdom

Your POV

"Oh princess~! Where did you go?!" a crazy old blue guy shouted.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!! I'M NOT A PRINCESS!!" I yelled hiding in the forest 'What the heck is going on?!' I thought.

Flashback ("speech" 'thoughts')

You just woke up from your 'nap' and found yourself in a snowy place.

"Huh? Where am I?" you mumbled and looked around. You only saw penguins and mountains that looked like they're made of ice.

"Okay... I must've hit my head REAL HARD before I was unconscious..." you said to yourself.

You saw one mountain with a path up to a cave, you went up to see if there was anyone there.

"Hello?" you called out. You saw a drum set, weight lifting gear, a throne and a dungeon.

"Ooookay, what the heck is this dungeon for?" I said out loud snooping around until I heard someone's voice.

"Oh Gunther! Where is my-" a male voice said and I saw a blue man with a beard and crown with red jewels; he looked at me and smiled.

'Stranger danger, stranger danger!' I thought and backed away.

"Hello there princess..." he said getting closer.

'WELP, SEE YA LATER OLD MAN' I thought and made a run for it.


After a while, I heard the man getting closer and closer and I was almost hit by his ice magic.

Just as I thought I was going to become a popsicle, I heard a couple of unfamiliar voices.

"Stop Ice King!" A male voice said,

'Huh?' I thought and peeked outside of my hiding place.

I saw a boy around my age with a white hat that only shows his face and a yellow... Stretching talking dog?! Now I know I'm hallucinating... Not like a blue floating guy is normal too.

After a few minutes they finally defeated the 'Ice King', I came out to look at them more clearly.

"That's what you get from kidnapping princesses" the boy said who I think is named 'Finn'.

"Nice work, Finn!" The dog 'Jake' said high fiving the boy.

"U-ummm..." I spoke out and the three of them looked at me and the boy seemed to be a bit red from fighting, "W-where am I?" I asked them.

"You're in the land of Ooo, lady" Jake answered and I looked even more confused.

"Land of Ooo?" I repeated, "How long was I out?" I mumbled to myself.

The last thing I remember was I was with my family and friends.

"Uhh, are you okay miss?" Finn asked reaching out and I backed away.

"I-I'm sorry, I just..." I said running away.

Finn's POV
"Hey wait!" I called out to the girl, 'Another human...?' I thought looking at the way she went.

"We need to find her Jake!" I said following her direction,

"Okay, hold up Finn!" Jake replied and turned big I quickly hopped on his back and searched for the girl.

I looked around the forest frantically searching for the girl.

"Calm down Finn, I'm sure we'll find her soon" Jake reassured me,

"I know but, what if she gets in trouble before we find her?" I said worried.

"Why are you so hyped up about this girl? Don't tell me..." Jake said with a mischievous look.

"NO, no, no" I said sternly "It's just...she's another human. That's all" I explained.

"Suuure it is" he said not believing me.

"Just help me find her" I grumbled.

After a while of searching, we saw her sitting by a lake.

"There she is!" I said pointing at the girl and Jake headed to the lake.

"Gah! What the heck?!" the girl said now cuffed in ice.

"Got you now princess!" Ice king said grabbing the girl and flew.

"Ice King!" I called out and jumped and hit the Ice King right in his face, making him lose hold of the girl.

"I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" the girl shouted.

"I got ya!" I said holding her and Jake caught us right in time.

I set down her on the grass and broke the cuffs.

"Are you okay?" I asked, seeing if she had any injuries.

"Y-yeah... just... confused" she said calming down. "A-are you... a human? Or at least close enough to be" she asked looking at me and I blushed a bit.

"Y-yeah, I'm Finn, this is Jake,"

"Hey," Jake waved with a smile,

"I'm (Y/N), and... thanks for saving me" she said smiling a bit and I blushed more.

Jake went closer to her and examined her,

"Hmmm... are you single?" he suddenly asked and I blushed profusely

"J-Jake!" I said embarrassed but (Y/N) just laughed.

"Yeah, I am, why?" she asked smirking,

"Just asking" Jake shrugged and I groaned in annoyance while (Y/N) just laughed at petted him.

"Aww... you're so cute" she said continuing to pet him and Jake seemed to like it.

"A-anyway, do you have a home? Me and Jake can go with you. Just to make sure that the Ice King won't bother you" I said.

"Come to think of it...no, I don't. Well, not anymore" she said sadly.

"Well, you can live with me and Finn!" Jake suggested,

"What?!/Really?!" we both said,

"Yeah! Since you don't have a home, you can live with me and Finn, if he's okay with it too" Jake said and they both looked at me.

"U-uhmm.. Well," I stuttered.

"Please Finn? I'll only stay until I can find a new home" (Y/N) said to me. I let out a sigh, giving in.

"O-okay then" I said and they both cheered and I just smiled.

'Maybe it won't be that bad...'

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