|Prince Gumball| Read The Fine Print

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Genre: Fathers and Boys & At The Ball Continuation

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name
(N/N): Your Nickname

(Y/N)'s POV

"What?!" Gumball and I shouted in disbelief.

"Did we not tell you in our meeting?" King Rory asked,

"N-no! You did not!" Gumball answered making Queen Malka cover her mouth.

"Oh dear... this is certainly a problem..." she mumbled,

'You think!?' I thought irritated.

"Mom! Dad!" a female voice cut my train of thought.

"Princess!" King Rory greeted the girl and kissed her forehead,

"Is he my fiance?" she asked and then it hit me.

'Oh, nightosphere no...' I thought tightening my hold on Gumball's hand and I felt him caress my hand gently.

"Prince Gumball, this is Mara; our daughter" Queen Malka introduced the girl.

"Nice to meet you, Prince Gumball" she chirped with a wink as her eyes landed on me.

"O-oh, hello! Are you a friend of Gumball?" Mara asked catching me off guard.

"Uhm... I'm sorry to disappoint you Miss Mara... but she's my--"

"--sweetheart! Why don't we try the buffet? We just gotten here, haven't we?" Queen Malka cut Gumball of and dragged her daughter away.

"O-okay..." Mara said waving goodbye to us.

"This discussion isn't over" King Rory said threateningly and followed the two.

When they were out of sight, Gumball let out a loud sigh,

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)... I swear they didn't say anything about an engagement or anything about the peace treaty! They just said that they wanted to see what--"

"--G-gumball it's okay! You didn't mean any harm..." I cooed trying to calm him down.

"I just hope dad doesn't hear about this..." I mumbled and heard a crash nearby,

"Fionna get down from there!" Cake shouted in a motherly tone.

I saw Fionna on top of the buffet shouting something while holding up one of the banana guards while my mom was cheering her on and dad was facepalming.

"Girl you gonna hurt yourself!" Cake said growing big and holding down Fionna,

"I WILL NOT STAND DOWN!!" she shouted trying fight back Cake

"Oh boy..." Gumball said massaging his temples and I laughed nervously.

Fionna's POV

Cake finally put me down and I heard someone cleared their throat.

I saw two women and a man looking shocked and confused at us.

"Oh... right. Visitors..." I mumbled and brushed off my dress and flashed a smile at the two,

"Hello! The name's Fionna! Fionna the human and these are my friends Cake, Marceline and Marshall" I introduced.

The older woman and man raised a brow at me while the girl looked very confused.

"Uhm..." I mumbled awkwardly,

"Fionna! Cake!" I heard a female voice greeted.

I turned my head and saw (Y/N) lounging at me into a hug,

"Oof! Hey (N/N)!" I greeted and hugged her back.

"Hey honey" Marceline greeted her and kissed her forehead.

"Are these your... parents...?" the man asked in disbelief while looking at Marshall and Marcy.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Marshall asked raising a brow and crossing his arms.

"Oh no no no no no! It's just that... well... you look like you came from... the Nightosphere..." the woman explained with a hint of disgust and I covered my mouth.

'OH NO SHE DIDN'T' I thought and looked at Cake. She had the same expression as I did.

"And what does that mean?" Marceline asked crossing her arms while (Y/N) raised a brow looking confused.

"Don't you know? That place is horrible!" the girl exclaimed disgusted while the mother nodded.

"And I heard the people who rule there are the worst of all" the man scoffed and I saw Gumball shaking his head and massaging his forehead.

"Those are only rumors... have you ever met someone from the Nightosphere personally?" Gumball defended,

"Well no... but why would there even be rumors if it wasn't true?" the woman asked.

"For attention? To get revenge? Just ignorant people? Many reasons to be honest..." (Y/N) answered and the woman looked offended at this.

"Excuse me?" she said taking a step forward,

"You better watch yourself sister..." Cake said stepping forward as if protecting (Y/N) and the woman rolled her eyes.

"And why is that?" she asked as Marceline floated up to her.

"Name's Marceline the Vampire Queen. Queen of the Nightosphere"


A/N: Thank you for waiting! Sorry for the HUGE delay and it's so short! Part 2 might be around next week or so!

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