Adventure Time Imagines

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A/N: Thank you for the 1,000 reads!! HOLY GLOB THAT'S A LOT ☀(๑ӧ◡ӧ๑)☀ This is gonna be REALLY SHORT and I'm sorry about that and the lack of updates... but THANK YOU for your patience and sticking with me :).

(Y/N): Your Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(H/N): Your Hated Nickname
(L/N): Your Last Name
(F/F): Your Favourite Flowers

Finn the Human

Imagine trying to get through just ONE date =_= without a princess or princesses he saved disturbing you two.

After that, you both decided to go home, drink some hot cocoa, eat some snacks, and watch movies together with BMO and Jake.

With of course, Jake telling you embarrassing childhood stories about Finn saying that "Well they're gonna know someday!"

Hey (Y/N)!
                    Sorry about the date and Jake yesterday... Oh and about the me dancing and singing about "punching buns", that was all made up. Okay? Just forget he ever told you about that... but I really enjoyed hanging out with you :).

And I PROMISE, no more princesses disturbing our dates!

From Your Prince,
 Finn <3

Marshall Lee

Imagine just sitting at home as he just sings his feelings to you with a few flirty moves here and there that just makes you giggle and flustered then talking about really deep and I mean deep things and secrets like the things going on with his mom, his life, and his choices with you and you also share your problems with him and just talk.

To (H/N),
                    Hey (N/N) ;) I just wanted to say thank you for listening me ramble on about my problems and you just... being there for me. It's been a while since I talked about all those stuff to someone and it really helped me a lot... oh and another music session later. Don't be late or I'll punish you~

From Your King,
Marshall Lee~

Prince Gumball

Imagine being his assistant and trying to get his attention away from the machine he was making.

As you were about to give up, he shows you that the machine he was making was actually for you.

It gave you candy (F/F), chocolates and candies, and even sang a little tune dedicated to you as it was exploding fireworks to the sky spelling out your name with Gumball by your side looking embarrassed and apologetic as heck with a piece of paper in his hands.

Dearest (Y/N) (L/N),
                                       I am very grateful for your patience with me and taking care of me when I am not at my best. You are the greatest friend anyone could ever have and I would never want to ruin that but... maybe we can take it to the next level? I really meant it on what I said on that note. I do hope you say yes... I'll be waiting in the gardens.


Flame Prince

Imagine finding small slightly burned notes all over the place like a scavenger hunt and the locations were where you had your dates and first moments (first date, first kiss, first "I love you", etc.) and the last location was by a long dock with small candles by the side and see him in a suit at the end with a small picnic behind him.

Dear (N/N),
------            Greetings (Y/N)! I do hope you enjoyed my little surprise for you and the picnic -------------------- I really enjoyed spending time with you in the dock and I hope we can do that again some other time. The scavenger hunt idea actually came from my good friend ------------------ and I do hope you'll be able to meet.

Happy Anniversary (N/N)!

From Your Fire,
Flame Prince


A/N: Yup... that's the best I can think of...

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