|Finn The Human| What Am I To You?

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Requested by: Miss-SkellyQueen

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname

(Y/N)'s POV

I was playing BMO when I heard a loud thud downstairs.

"What the..." I mumbled walking up to the stairs,

"Wait (N/N)!" BMO called out scurrying in front of me.

"I'll protect you!" he said doing a fighting stance. I chuckled lightly at his cute gesture.

"Ah, I feel much safer now" I played along making him cheer quietly,

"Now, follow my lead. Shh..." he said quietly going downstairs.

I opened the lights and saw Finn and Jake passed out in the kitchen with tubs of ice cream in their hands; I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"I guess they partied too hard. Huh, BMO?" I asked,

"Hehe, I guess so... wanna write on their faces?" BMO suggested making me grin.

"I'll go get the markers"

Finn's POV

I woke up and saw that I was back in my room.

'Whaa... what happened last night?' I thought and lazily sat up.

I squinted my eyes and saw Jake sleeping peacefully on his bed with... writings on his face?!

I rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror; I saw my face covered in writings and drawings.

"What the--(Y/N)!!!" I shouted angrily as I looked around the house frantically until I saw them fallen off of their own bed.

"OH M-- What the-- Finn! What are you-- oh..." they said as realization hit them and they backed away from me slowly.

"N-now now Finn, I have a very reasonable explanation..." they said nervously laughing,

"And what would that be?" I asked angrily.

"I'm glad you asked!" they said standing up and jumped out of the window.

"(Y/N)!" I called out and I saw them sitting on the bridge rubbing their butt.

I sighed in relief and went after them.

I still want revenge for what they did to me.

(Y/N)'s POV

I saw Finn run out of the room.

'Ah crab apples...' I thought as I started to run out of the treehouse.

Our little game of chase ended when Jake woke up (it was already noon) and stretched his arms and caught me.

"AAAAHHH!!!" I screamed and tried to get out of his grip,

"Nope" Jake simply answered as he put me in front of a very irritated Finn.

I hung my head in defeat and gave up trying to break free of the magical dog's grasp.

"All right, you caught me. What are you gonna do now?" I asked in a cold tone which Finn replied with a grin.

"I have something in mind... and if you back out, I'll make sure you won't play games with BMO anymore" he said and I let out a loud gasp,

"How cruel! I HAVE MY RIGHTS!" I screamed which he laughed at.

"I'm just kidding, but I do want you to do something for me. Since you wrote on my and Jake's face" he said seriously and I sweat dropped.

"Reasonable enough... what do you want me to do?" I asked and Jake stretched his face and whispered something to Finn.

After a couple of minutes, they both nodded at each other.

"In 24 hours, you have to do whatever Jake and I tell you to do"


A/N: I have no reasonable explanation... I'll try to update tomorrow! Thank you for being patient with me!

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