|Flame Princess| First Encounter

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WARNING: I am not  a boy. I don't know how boys think so......................................... comment down below if you have suggestions and other shemurr because I literally have NO idea what to do with this...

Requested by: @HyllaTwiceKill19

Genre: Male!Reader

(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"TRESPASSERS!" Ice King shouted as he tried to blast me and Flambo.

"What the heck were you doing in the Ice Mountains anyway?!" I asked Flambo,

"I was looking for something!" he answered as we ran through the woods.

As we were running, Flambo got stuck in a root.

"Ow! Ugh... (Y/N)!" Flambo called out and I saw that one of his foot was injured.

Without thinking, I grabbed him and started to run.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch" I said as I was trying to hold Flambo.

He sighed and chanted something making weird flaming symbols in the air and my skin started to turn blue.

"What the flip?!" I said and I noticed that Flambo wasn't burning me anymore.

"It's for your protection, Dum dum!" he explained,

"Oh... thanks, dude" I smiled and I saw the nearby tree got struck by Ice King's magic.

"Watch out!" Flambo shouted as I dodged the frozen tree.

I hid under a large tree to catch my breath.

"You can't hide from me forever!" Ice King screamed as he started to blast more trees.

"Where do we go now?" I whispered and Flambo started to think.

"What about the Fire Kingdom?" he suggested,

"It's not that far and Ice King wouldn't even think of going over there" he pointed over the direction of the kingdom as I heard another tree falling.

"It's not like we have any other choice..." I mumbled as I started to run again.

When we finally got there, a bunch of guards blocked us from the entrance.

"State your business here" one said,

"We just want to hide until that BOZO leaves us alone!" Flambo said pointing at the Ice King.

"Guards! We need back up!" the two said trying to shoo away the Ice King.

"Let's go!" Flambo said and we just went inside and saw the other guards scrambling outside.

"Are you sure this is okay, Flambo?" I asked.

"Meh don't worry about it... the new king's pretty chill" he reassured but I was still unconvinced.

We walked around the place trying to find the new king.

"Hello? Is the King in here?" I called out and saw a fire person land right in front of me.

"Who are you?" a female voice asked and I saw that it was a female flame person with an armour on.

"Flame Princess!" Flambo greeted,

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