|Harem| Love Potions

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Requested By: [Unknown]

Genre: Witch Princess!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name
(A/N): Your Adviser's Name
(F/C): Your Favorite Color

(Y/N)'s POV

"No... No...! Where is it!?" I frantically looked around my room, but there was still no sign of my potion book.

"Princess (Y/N)!" I heard (A/N) shout as they ran into my room.

"Have you found it?" they shook their head, making me groan as I continued to throw away the pillows on my bed.

"Please keep searching! That book has the most dangerous potions ever made that can destroy all life as we know it!" I hysterically ordered as I searched the room again.

"Yes, princess, I'll go ask for more help," they quickly curtseyed and ran off as I hollered my thanks.

"Ugh... Where could it be!?"


"Agh!" I squealed as I stumbled back on the ground. I hissed in pain as I looked at the source of the surprise.

"Ice King?! What are you doing here?!" I asked as I stood up, keeping a distance between us.

"I just wanted some help on how you open this thing," he took out something from his back and showed me my potion book.

I let out a gasp as I reached for it, but Ice King was too quick.

"Woah there! I told you I was gonna borrow it for a second!"


"I left you a note!" he shouted, reaching from something in his pocket.

"I even brought my own marker and- Oh..." he took out what appeared to be a small note, saying:

"Hey, I'm gonna borrow your nifty spellbook for a minute. Thanks!

-Ice King"

It was very poorly written.

"Guess I forgot to leave it in your room," he nervously chuckled as I glared at him.

"Give it back!" I reached my hand out to him, "You don't know what you're messing with!"

"Geez, relax! I was planning to return it after I was done. I just need your help opening it." he pointed at the giant lock on the front, binding the book in chains.

"No!" I denied as I started to chant a telekinesis spell in my head.

The book started to glow bright (F/C), hovering over to me.

"Woah, wait a minute. Hey, that's not fair!" Ice King accused as he pulled the book away from me.

I gritted my teeth as I reached out my glowing hand, amplifying the magic.

"Agh!" Ice King groaned as the book slipped out of his hands, making it slam into me.

I felt the wind got knock out of me as I stumbled down on the ground.

I sighed with relief as I hugged the book tightly as if it'd vanish again.

Ice King growled as he flew up to my window.

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