|Prince Gumball X Reader| At The Ball

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Requested By: @peetalo

Genre: Fathers and Boys Sequel

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(L/N): Your Last Name

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a few months since my talk with my parents.

So far, it's been smooth and my dad hasn't been interfering (much) when I'm with Gumball...

I guess since we're dating now he'll be more protective than usual...

Fionna, Cake, PG, the royal servants, and I were getting the palace ready for a ball.

"So... what's with the sudden ball?" I asked as I arrange the gummy stars into the ceiling.

"Royalties from other kingdoms are coming to visit the Candy Kingdom and I wanted to give them a proper introduction" he answered hanging up banners around the room.

"Oh sweet, is LSP coming? He still owes five bucks from a dare yesterday" Fionna asked kicking a gummy star into the ceiling.

"Yes, I have invited all of the kingdoms in the Land of Aaa to the ball" Gumball answered,

"Wait so the other royalties you talking 'bout aren't from 'round here?" Cake asked,

"That is correct. I decided to make a peace treaty with them to ensure that no war will begin and that we will be safe" he answered again.

"... and I was hoping to make an announcement this evening" he mumbled and I didn't notice that he took a quick glance at me with a flushed face.

"Did you say something?" I asked oblivious,

"I-It's nothing!" he stuttered clumsily setting up the decorations.

After decorating the whole place, we went back to the treehouse to change.

"What do you think we should wear?" I asked looking down on my attire,

"Can't we just go in our normal clothes? We're not sure if the guys from other kingdoms actually want peace" Fionna said swinging her sword.

"Hush child, it's Gumball we're talking about! That man can smooth talk anyone" Cake reassured,

"The sun's almost setting! We better hurry back!" she added running back to the treehouse.

"What about the gowns?!" Fionna asked,

"I already made them beforehand! We just need to see if it fits" Cake hollered.

When we got to the treehouse, Cake gave me this dress:

When we got to the treehouse, Cake gave me this dress:

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And Fionna wore this:

While Cake wore her favourite bow around her neck

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While Cake wore her favourite bow around her neck.

"We better get back to the castle. You're prince charming's waiting~" Cake teased making me blush furiously

"H-he's not my--"

"--we better get going!" Fionna cut me off as she held my hand and pulled me to the castle.

"It wouldn't be a good impression for the prince's girlfriend to be late for the ball!"

When we arrived, the ball room was packed with people. Some were talking to each other, some waltzing, and some were enjoying themselves to the buffet.

"(N/N)! Fionna! Cake!" Gumball greeted us with a group hug and pecked me on the cheek.

"Easy, prince charming. She's still my little girl you know" dad said pulling me by my shoulders with mom beside him.

"Marshall? What are you doing here?" Fionna asked,

"Gumball invited us. Is something wrong?" mom answered smirking making Fionna and Cake nervous.

"N-no! I-it's nothing like that!" Cake said going in front of Fionna,

"Mom..." I whispered,

"Relax, (N/N). Your dad and I are performing a few songs tonight, that's all. Have fun sweetie~" she pecked me on the forehead as they floated off to the stage and I let out a sigh.

Gumball cleared his throat and reached out his hand to me,

"Shall we? A few kings and queens were interested on who is my date tonight..." he explained as a blush crept up to our cheeks

"O-okay..." I replied and I saw Fionna and Cake were grinning and giving me a thumbs up making me softly chuckle and roll my eyes.

As we talk and mingle around with the guests, I couldn't help but feel someone staring at me... weird.

Either way, it was really fun! Gumball and I went dancing and would sneak out to the balcony to have some alone time and just talk.

As the night nearly came to an end, we went back to the ball room.

"Prince Gumball!" a male voice cut through the noise and I saw a man and a woman beside him.

"King Rory! I'm glad to see you came" Gumball greeted about to shake his hand but the man gave him a bear hug squeezing the air out of him.

When Gumball caught his breath, he held my hand again and averted his attention to the woman who was holding King Rory's arm,

"Queen Malka, good evening" Gumball said and the lady nodded in response.

"This was a pleasant party, Prince Gumball. It's nice to have our two lands to make a peace treaty" she said.

"Yes, it is marvelous to be allies with one of the strongest kingdoms in the world" Gumball said as he pulled me closer to him and giving me a small smile and I smiled back.

"Who's your little friend here?" Queen Malka asked,

"This is (Y/N) (L/N), my future queen" Gumball introduced me and kissed the back of my hand making me blush heavily.

"N-nice to meet you..." I stuttered loud enough for them to hear,

"Future queen?" King Rory repeated,

"But what about the peace treaty?" he added with a hint of anger making Gumball and I confused.

"What about the peace treaty?" Gumball asked,

"It is said in the treaty that you must marry our first born daughter for it to be complete..." Queen Malka answered and I felt my blood run cold.



A/N: Pretty cliche, I know XD but I couldn't think of anything else at the moment :/ I'll probably add the next part within or at the end of the week.

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