|Valentine's Day Special| Finn, Marshall Lee, and Flame Prince

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Yup, it's a three way tie XD

(Y/N): Your Name
(N/N): Your Nickname

(Y/N)'s POV

Cake was fixing Fiona and my dress for Gumball's Valentine Ball.

"Do we really need to attend?" I asked,

"C'mon sugar, it'll be fun!" Cake encouraged.

"Besides, don't you have a Valentine's date?" Fiona asked and I shook my head.

"No one asked me yet" I said,

"I guess the three were chickens after all, ouch!" Cake mumbled as Fiona elbowed her.

"Maybe someone at the ball will ask you to dance with, you gotta try something new from time to time" Fiona encouraged and I nodded.

"Maybe it won't be bad...?" I said but more like a question.

"You girls done yet?" Jake asked from the other side of the door.

"Yup/Yeah/Yes" we answered and Jack opened the door with Finn beside him.

"Whoa..." Finn mumbled while staring at me:

"Hey, you okay buddy?" Jake asked snapping his fingers in front of the boy

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"Hey, you okay buddy?" Jake asked snapping his fingers in front of the boy.

"H-huh? Yeah, I'm okay" Finn reassured, "You guys look mathematical!" he complimented.

"You look great too Finn!" I complimented back and he blushed.

"We better get to the ball!" Cake said pushing us all out.

When we got to the ball, music was blasting and there were many buffet tables all around.

"Gumball and PB went all out..." Finn mumbled as we looked around.

The candy people were dancing around and some were having an eating and chugging contest while there were some couples smooching it up in the corners making me gag.

"They're cute and all and I'm happy for them, but my stomach and lovey-dovey stuff never really agreed with each other..." I mumbled,

"You and me both, sister" Fiona said sticking her tongue out in disgust and we laughed and Cake rolled her eyes.

"Hush now, children. You'll understand when you're older. I'll go look for Lord Monochromacorn" she huffed,

"And I'll go look for Lady" Jake said leaving us three.

"Hey... (Y/N)?" Finn called out,

"Yeah?" I said,

"Would you like-"

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