|Flame Prince x OC| Bianca A. Cupid

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Requested by: @lizziending73

Bianca's POV

I was with Cake in the tree house looking at Fiona and Marshall Lee through the window.

"They'd make a cute couple, wouldn't they?" Cake snickered,

"Yup, I think they just need a liiiiiitle push. Don't you think so?" I asked taking out my bow and arrow aiming at the two.

As I was about to shoot, an explosion interrupted me making me shoot at the wrong direction.

"Crud!" I cursed and heard screams coming from the explosion,

"Cake! Bianca! We need to help them!" Fiona called out running towards the explosion.

"Right behind ya hon!" Cake said growing bigger and I sat on her back.

When we got to the burning village, we saw baby fire lions running around the village.

"Baby fire lions?" Fiona asked trying to avoid their flames,

"How did they escape from the Fire Kingdom?!" Cake said trying to get away from the cubs.


I appeared and landed on the ground.

"Ugh..." I groaned in pain and I saw the baby fire lions were running towards me.

"BIANCA!" Fiona and Cake shouted and I just shielded myself with my arms waiting for the impact.

"Hesper! Edna!" a male voice shouted making the lions stop and follow the voice.

I opened my eyes and saw the baby lions surrounding an orange man riding a fire lion.

"Huh?" I said confused,

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Cake asked helping me stand.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Who's the orange guy?" I asked,

"That's Flame Prince. FP for short" Fiona answered and I felt something dripping on me.

I looked up and saw it started to rain.

"Gah!" Flame Prince groaned in pain and rode off.

"Wait!" I called out but he didn't hear me.

"What's the matter?" Cake asked,

"I wanted to thank him..." I mumbled.

"You can thank him later. Right now, we better get back to the tree house" Fiona advised and I nodded.

When we got home, we dried off and got three matching letters.

"Who's it from?" I asked,

"It's from the Candy Kingdom" Fiona answered opening one of them.

"What's it say?" Cake asked looking over her shoulder,

"It's an invitation for a semi-formal outdoor party in the forest," Fiona said and Cake and I squealed.

"This is so exciting!" I squealed,

'I get to see possible couples slow dancing!' I thought.

"We have to get you two ready! What time does it starts?" Cake asked getting her sewing equipment.

"...7 pm" Fiona answered,

"We got five hours," I said looking at our clock.

"You two! Freshen up!" Cake said pushing us to the bathroom.

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