|Prince Gumball| Read The Fine Print II

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(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"Name's Marceline the Vampire Queen. Queen of the Nightosphere" mom introduced herself with venom in each word.

Queen Malka backed away holding Mara beside her; King Rory stepped in front of them and glared at mom making dad step in front and glared back.

"Now, now, everyone... let's all just calm down..." Cake said already sensing a fight coming as she put a paw on the men's chest trying to push them away from each other.

"Well they started it..." dad mumbled making King Rory scoff "...cretins..." he mumbled.

That's it. That's all it took.

Dad lounged himself towards King Rory and right hooked him right at the jaw causing the king to fumble and fall down.


"Dad!" Queen Malka and Mara said helping out the man.

"Why you little...!" King Rory said trying to punch dad but he swiftly dodged and round housed King Rory's back.

"How dare you!" Queen Malka shouted pulling dad by his hair and threw him on the floor.

"HEY!!" mom shouted slapping Queen Malka making her crown fall; Mara joined in and punched mom's stomach making her land on her butt.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted and punched Mara on the face then kneed Queen Malka.

"(Y/N)!" I heard my three friends called out.

"All right, a fight! This is more of my kind of party!" Fionna smirked and joined in the brawl,

"Fionna!" Cake called out joining too. 

After that... um.... brawl... Gumball and the banana guards finally separated us and everything calmed down.

The candy people are fine and we only got a few scratches and bruises; Gumball took deep breaths as he paced around the room.

"Gumball...?" I called out making whip his head toward me, his eyes were mixed with frustration, worry, and anger but they softened as soon as they landed on me.

"Y-yes, (Y/N)?" he said in a soft tone,

"I-I... I'm sorry..." I said looking down on the floor.

 Gumball's POV

"I-I... I'm sorry..." (Y/N) said looking down on the floor.

I felt my chest tighten and heard a gruff from King Rory's family,

"Finally you admit your mistake..." he mumbled and I curled my palms into fists.

"Excuse me?" I said trying to hide the anger in my voice.

"You and your family started this fight. You engaged me to your daughter without my consent. You've been nothing but rude to my friends. And she's the one who made the mistake?!" I said angrily only to be met by silence.

I took a deep breath and looked at King Rory dead in the eye,

"Forget about the peace treaty. Please leave my kingdom. We can go to war tomorrow if you wish" I said sternly as he and his family scurried away.

I slumped into one of the seats and massaged my head,

"You okay dude?" Fionna asked as the other looked worried for me.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I answered giving them a reassuring smile,

"I highly doubt they'd go to war considering they've fought the best warriors of Aaa" I smirked making (Y/N) and Fionna grin.

"You bet your butt they don't! Their king doesn't even know how to land a punch!" Fionna said punching the air.

I chuckled at this and felt a hand over mine; I looked over to the person and was greeted by (Y/N)'s warm smile.

"I'm glad we were able to settle that... somehow" she said and I laughed lightly.

"I kind of suspected it to happen..." I said and kissed the back of her hand.

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