|Fern the Human| I Like You

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A/N: Up next is Prince Gumball request by peetalo!

Requested by: Oreolover123555

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(F/F): Your Favourite Food
(F/D): Your Favourite Drink

(Y/N)'s POV

"(N/N)!" I heard someone called out.

"Jake! You called me?" I asked as he stretched next to me,

"Finn and I are going on an important quest with Marcy. Can you look after the treehouse with Fern and BMO while we're gone?" he asked.

"Whaaat? I wanna go too!" I whined,

"You're still injured from last time!" Jake reminded and I pouted like a child making Jake sigh.

"You need to rest. I'll get you to your bed" he said carrying me back to the treehouse.

I saw Finn, BMO, and Fern talking in the living room,

"Hey dudes" I greeted them.

"Hey (N/N)" Finn and Fern greeted me,

"(N/N)!" BMO said running into me and hugged my legs making me chuckle.

"Hey BMO" I said getting the video game.

"How long will you guys be gone?" Fern asked,

"In a week or two at least" Finn answered packing his stuff,

"You two be good now" Jake said as they left.



"See you later!" the three of us said as the two brothers left.

"Soo... what do you guys wanna do now?" I asked and they shrugged.

"Oh! Oh! I downloaded a new game!" BMO said showing the title screen.

"Awesome! Wanna play too, Fern?" I asked ,

"Sure" he shrugged and I handed him the other controller.

After an hour, I saw that the sun was about to set


My character screamed in agony as he lied onto his death bed.

"NOOO SIR LANCELOT!!" I screamed as Fern cheered in victory.

"This is blasphemy!" I declared pointing at Fern while he just showed his tongue.

"Face it (N/N), you'll never beat me at this game" he said confidently and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"All right champ, what do you wanna do now?" I asked and he tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Wanna go make some grub?" he asked pointing the kitchen with his thumb,

"Uhh... we don't know how to cook..." I reminded standing up and crossing my arms.

"Well if we're gonna be alone for a couple of weeks we might as well learn" he shrugged.

I rubbed my forehead and took a deep breath.

"Okay. Let's do it." I said with my voice strained.

After about two hours of attempts, we finally made a decent meal.

It was slightly burned (F/F) since Fern and BMO doesn't need to eat.

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