|Fern| How To Take Care of a Sick Plant Demon

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Requested By: user05907847

Genre: Fluff

(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"And one bag of fertilizer, please," I ordered as the shopkeeper nodded, going to the back.

I looked around and noticed different plants all around the shop, making it look cozy.

I checked my bag to make sure I had everything.

'Bowls... Spoon... Knife... Yep, that should do it,' I smiled as I shifted my weight from my heel to my toes, waiting.

"Here you go, dearie..." the shopkeeper said as she placed the large bag of fertilizer on the counter.

"Thank you," I smiled as I grabbed, almost toppling over from the weight.

'Oh boy...'

I waddled back to the treehouse and saw Finn walking out of the treehouse.

"Oh, Glob-" I lost my footing and fell backward.

"(Y/N)!" he called out, catching me.

"Thanks, Finn..." I grumbled, swaying a little.

"Here, let me carry it," he grabbed the bag effortlessly as we walked back to the house.

"What is this, anyway?"

"Fertilizer for Fern. I'm not exactly sure what medicine's good for a plant, but it doesn't hurt to try," I shrugged as Finn hummed.

"Where is Fern, anyway?"

"He's resting in my room. Jake's making sure he's getting some sunlight," Fin tossed the bag up, getting a better grip.

"Do you want to bring this up?" I shook my head.

"Bring it to the kitchen. I have an idea."

"And... There," I smiled in satisfaction as I poured the concoction into a bowl.

"You sure he can eat it?" Finn asked, eyeing the "soup."

"Meh... Fifty-fifty chance," I shrugged as I dusted off my hands.

"It's better than eating nothing, right?" I said as I cleaned up the place.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Finn called out as he gathered the dirty bowls.


"You know I treat you like family, right?" he asked, making me look at him.

"Well, duh. You and Jake are basically my brothers. Why?" Finn smiled and shook his head.

"Oh, nothing... Fern was talking in his sleep," I tensed up.

'Fern was thinking about me in his sleep?' I shook my head and focused on cleaning.

"What did he say?"

"Hm... I'd better not," he teased, making me blush.

"What? Now I'm curious," I looked over to him, he shook his head in response.

"You better bring this up before it gets cold."

I carefully walked up to the bedroom and saw Fern sleeping peacefully on Finn's bed with Jake quietly playing with BMO.

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