|Flame Prince X OC| Bianca Part II

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Flame Prince's POV


"H-huh?" I said dumbfounded as I saw that Bianca suddenly disappeared.

I looked around and saw no sign of her.

"Bianca?" I called out but got no response.

'Where did she go?' I thought,

"Excuse me," a male voice cut off my train of thought.

I turned around and saw Prince Gumball, the host of the party.

"Could you possibly be looking for Bianca the Cupid?" he asked curiously and I nodded happily.

"Do you know her?" I asked,

"She's a good friend of mine. How did you know her?" he asked.

"Flame Boy here just chatted up with her," a floating boy with black hair wearing a red plaid shirt interjected.

"Excuse me?" I said confused.

"The name's Marshall Lee the Vampire King," he smirked landing on the ground.

"Oh you're the one performing" I remembered,

"Yup. And if you're looking for Bianca, I could take you to her tree house" he offered.

"Seriously? That would be-"

"-Woah, woah, woah! Hold up a second here" Gumball cut off and grabbed Marshall's arm.

"Could you... excuse us for a minute?" Gumball asked kindly.

"Uh... sure...?" I answered hesitantly while Gumball dragged Marshall Lee to the corner.

Gumball's POV

"Are you crazy?!" I whispered/shouted to Marshall.

"What?" he asked nonchalantly "He might burn the tree house down or worse, burn the girls WITH IT!" I shouted/whispered.

"Ugh will you calm down?! We just keep him in a safe distance" he said and floated to Flame Prince.

"Let's get going, Bubba!" he said walking away with FP.

"This is not gonna end well..." I mumbled following the two.

Bianca's POV

"You...almost...KISSED?!" Cake and Fiona shouted.

"SHSHHHSHSHSH!" I said covering both their mouths embarrassed.

"Will you keep your voices down!? Glob..." I asked embarrassed.

"S-sorry... did you really ALMOST kissed?" Fiona asked and I nodded,

"Well it's a good thing you didn't" Cake said and I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked,

"He coulda burned your face to a crisp!" Cake answered waving her paws.

"Oh...right" I said "I guess it's a good thing? That I poofed right before?" I asked and they nodded and I slumped to my seat.

"Great.... the guy that I like apparently can burn me alive when I touch him" I said sarcastically.

"Awww cheer up B. I'm sure you guys can work something out. You're the official matchmaker of Ooo for Glob's sake!" Fiona said positively and I gave her a weak smile.

"Thanks Fi, but I don't-" a knock on the window cut me off "What was that?" I asked standing up alert.

After a while, we heard the knock again and I grabbed my bow and arrow while Cake turned into a mace.

"On three..." Fiona whispered and me and Cake nodded.

"One..." Fiona started,

"Two..." I said stretching my bow,

"Three!" Cake shouted as we ran to the window ready to fight.

"YOU?!" I shouted in disbelief.

A/N: I will continue it when I am done being a student teacher. I'm really sorry but I'm really drained from today and I have been getting writer's block... sorry. But while I'm gone, you guys can give me ideas on who can be it. Like another character or other ish. I'm sorry but I'm really tired and sick...

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