Halloween Special

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A/N: The Gender bends (Fiona, Cake, Prince Gumball, etc.) will be here as 'twins' or siblings of the characters.

Genre: Fem!Reader

(Y/N): Your Name
(N/N): Nickname
You Costume:

Guide:(Y/N): Your Name(N/N): NicknameYou Costume:

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3rd Person's POV

You were dressed as a witch and drinking punch in the Candy Kingdom while watching the candy people dance their cares away.

Apparently, Princess Bubblegum and Prince Gumball asked you the different holidays humans have back then, saying so that you could feel more at home.

The first thing that popped in your mind was Halloween since you remembered trick-or-treating with your sibling/friends when you were young.

You explained to them the concept of the holiday and they decided to throw a Halloween party in the kingdom.

You were the 'wallflower' of the party and was quietly drinking and eating by the buffet table.

"(Y/N)!" Princess Bubblegum called out making her way to you along with her twin brother, dressed as scientists.

You politely smiled at them and waved,

"Are you enjoying the party?" Prince Gumball asked and you nodded.

"Gotta admit, you two throw some amazing parties" you complimented looking around,

"Well, I'm glad your enjoying yourself," Princess Bubblegum said smiling and you smiled back.

"Oh and thank you for the costume" you said to the two,

"Our pleasure, you look very beautiful in it" Gumball said making you blush.

"T-thank you, Prince Gumball," you mumbled shyly and drank your punch.

"Awww yeah!" you heard a familiar male voice and saw Finn, Jake, Fiona, and Cake dancing all around.

Your POV

I laughed at the sight and blushed a bit. I didn't see Bubblegum grin at her brother and Gumball frown and left my side as I watched my four best friends dance like there's no tomorrow.

As I watched I didn't notice someone bump into me, "O-oh, sorry" I mumbled to the stranger.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" a familiar voice said and I saw Marshall Lee and Marceline dressed as vampires.

"Marcy! Marshall! I thought you guys weren't coming?"

"We weren't but Bonnibel said that this party was for you so... we decided to show up," Marceline said while messing with my hair and I laughed.

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