|Lemonhope| Freedom

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Requested By: ILoveAnimation

Song/s: "Escapism" and "Be Wherever You Are" from Steven Universe

Genre: Platonic, Fluff (if you squint), Musician!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name
Lyrics: The person is singing

(Y/N)'s POV

"TEN MILLION YEARS DUNGEON!!!" Lemongrab screeched as the guards threw me in a jail cell, along with my guitar.

"What the heck did I do!?" I shouted, gripping onto the bars as I glared at the earl.

"DUNGEON!" he screamed his response, making me wince.

I growled as I shouted profanities as the earl, raising my fist to him.

He shook his head as he walked away along with the guards, ignoring my outburst.

"Son of a..." I growled, kicking the bars.

I let out a huff as I sat down on the bed angrily, noticing the guitar splayed on the ground.

"Ah crap," I muttered, quickly reaching out to it.

I scanned the guitar at every angle, making sure nothing was damaged.

I strummed it lightly and adjusted the knobs, tuning it.

I sadly sighed as I tuned the guitar, playing a few chords.

'I guess it's better than getting eaten,' I shuddered at the memory of Lemongrab swallowing me whole, then spit me out.


"OF COURSE NOT!" I shouted as I tried to get rid of his spit from my body.

"UuuggghhhaaaaAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" Lemongrab screamed with his arms flailing, making me cover my ears and close my eyes tightly.


I took a deep breath as I continued to play the guitar, feeling my body becoming lighter.

"Agh...!" I winced as I rubbed my arm, feeling the teeth mark Lemongrab oh so generously gave me.

I clicked my tongue as I continued to play the guitar.

I closed my eyes as the music filled my ears.

"I guess I have to face... That in this awful place," I side-eyed the door Lemongrab walked out of, "I shouldn't show a trace of doubt..."

I let out a sigh, regretting not listening to Princess Bubblegum's warning of this place.

"But pulled against the grain," I looked around my cell with the moonlight through the window was my only source of light.

"I feel a little pain that I would rather do without..." I grimaced again as my arm ached, making me stop.

I let out a groan as I rubbed my arm, massaging it gently before playing the guitar again.

"I'd rather be..." I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, "Free-ee-ee..." I smiled at the tune, "Free-ee-ee... Free..." I continued but fell out of my own trance.

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