|Prince Gumball| Fathers and Boys

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A/N: The reader is Marshall Lee and Marceline's daughter and is 17 yrs. old

Requested by: @peetalo

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(F/S): Your Favourite Sweet

(Y/N)'s POV

"Are you really sure about this mom?" I asked nervously,

"Don't worry (N/N), he's gonna love you as much as I do" she said and kissed my forehead.

"Mom..." I whined making her roll her eyes,

"Come on, I already sent a letter to Marshall saying that you were coming. It's too late to back out now" she said.

I took a deep breath and flew to my dad's house and bid goodbye to Mom.

When I got there, I heard someone playing the guitar loudly.

As I got closer, I saw a man who looked like Mom playing the guitar.

'That must be him..' I thought and mentally prepared myself.

I knocked on the door and heard the guitar music stopped.

The man from before opened the door and seemed shocked to see me.

"Y-you're (Y/N)?" he asked and I hesitantly nodded, "O-oh, well... come in" he said and I floated into the house.

It was similar to mom's but with different colours.

"Hey," Marshall called out and I glanced at him "I uhh... I'm still not sure about this whole... father thing so... you know..." he nervously chuckled and I smiled at him.

"Don't worry, mom was a little rusty when she was taking care of me," I reassured and he gave me a small smile.

It's been weeks since I moved in with my dad.

I already met his friends: Fionna, Cake, LSP, and a lot more, but there's this one guy that really caught my attention: Prince Gumball.

He and my dad are... not in good terms... but he was always nice and sweet to me whenever I visit the Candy Kingdom (in secret of course).

He always gives me red and pink sweets whenever I visit and he would even stop his experiments just to chat with me.

He even would ask me if I can stay longer at times...

It's hard to admit, but I think I fell for the Candy Prince.

I fixed my outfit and flew to the door.

"Bye dad! I'm gonna go visit Fionna and Cake!" I pecked him on the cheek.

"Be back before dinner!" he reminded and flew to their tree house.

When I got there, I saw the two playing a videogame with BMO.

I knocked on their window to catch their attention.

Fionna opened the window and greeted me with a hug,

"(Y/N)! I'm so glad that you came" she smiled and I smiled back.

"Yeah... I guess my dad's pretty protective of me since we haven't been together much" I said as I sat down in between the two.

"I never seen Marshall act like that before though... he was always a laid-back type of guy" Fionna commented,

"Parenting can change a person, sugar. Trust me, I've been there" Cake said giving a small loving sigh.

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