Halloween Special Part II

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(Y/N): Your Name

Your POV

I was at the balcony feeling the fresh air; I took a deep breath and looked around, the candy people were happily talking and  dancing.

I even saw a bunch of couples slow dancing and some were even kissing. I rolled my eyes and looked at the sky.

There were million of stars shining above, however, the crescent moon was out shining them all (Geez I feel like writing a drama or a music video...) I looked down below again, seeing the happy couples.

I couldn't help but think of me and- "NO. Stop it (Y/N)," I slapped both of my cheeks to snap me out of my thoughts and I went back to the ballroom.

I saw my friends all in a circle "(Y/N)!" Flame Princess called me waving her hand and I waved back at her, she pat the spot next to me and I sat next to her:

(Y/N), Flame Princess, Flame Prince, Finn, Jake, Fiona, Cake, Princess Bubblegum, Prince Gumball, Marshall Lee, and Marceline

"Umm... are you sure that those two should be next to each other?" I asked looking at PG and Marshall.

"Don't worry (Y/N), we'll behave," Gumball said and I nodded.

"What are we playing?" I asked,

"We're playing the King's Game" Marshall smirked and I grinned.

"All right then, I won't hold back though," I warned them and they nodded.

We used Fiona's hat to put the pieces of paper inside, we passed the hat around the circle until everyone had a piece of paper.

"In the count of three, we look at what we got" Fiona said and we agreed.

"One," we all said,


"THREE!" we shouted and look at what we got.

"YES!!" Marceline shouted triumphantly and we all groaned.

"Now..." she said smirking, "Number 3 has to wear a maid outfit!" she ordered showing a maid costume.

"What!?" PB said in disbelief,

"The king's orders are absolute!" Marceline said giving it to PB.

After about 7 turns, people have been changing into embarrassing clothes, kissed someone, or even stripped a piece of clothing...

1st: Bubblegum changed into a maid outfit

2nd: Cake had to kiss Flame Prince

3rd: Marshall had to take his shirt off

4th: (Y/N) changed into a cat demon outfit (nosebleeds may have occurred)

5th: Fiona had to kiss Flame Princess

6th: Finn and Jake had to do something embarrassing on stage

7th: Marshall had to kiss Gumball

"Okay, after this; we're done. Alright?!" PG said irritated and we all agreed.

After passing the hat around, we all looked at what we got.

"I'M THE KING!!" Jake shouted and we were all disappointed at what we got.

"Now, number 7!" he said and I felt all of the hair on my body stand up,

"And number 4!" he said and I noticed Finn reacted the same way I did.

"Shall kiss!" Jake ended the order,

"What?!" Finn said in disbelief and everyone was giggling and laughing.

Finn sighed and sat back to his spot.

"Who's number 7?" he asked looking around. I cleared my throat and showed them my piece of paper saying '7'.

Marshall, PG, and Flame Prince looked shocked, the girls and Jake were cheering, and Finn was as red as I was.

"Well, the king's orders are absolute!" Jake said grinning and pushed us closer to each other and we blushed more.

"W-well, should we?" I asked him,

"U-umm...s-sure...I-IF you don't mind! I mean, I'm not forcing you but-" I cut him off with a kiss and I heard the girls cheering and so was Jake.

I pulled away to get some air "I like you, Finn" I mumbled loud enough for him to ear.

"I-I like you too (Y/N)" he said shyly looking away and everyone in the room started to cheer for us.

"FINALLY THEY GOT TOGETHER!!" Cake shouted and me and Finn laughed.

"This is the best Halloween party ever," I said

"I couldn't agree more," Finn said pulling me into another kiss.

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