|Marshall Lee| Operation: (S/N)

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Requested by: @shanedawsonrules

Genre: Female!Reader

(Y/N): Your Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(F/F): Your Favourite Food
(S/N): Your Ship Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"C'mon, (Y/N)! We can't be late!" Fionna shouted over her shoulder while running to the forest along with Cake.

"W-wait! Where are we going anyway?" I asked trying to keep up with them.

"You'll see!" Cake said. As we went closer to our destination, I heard music and cheering getting louder and louder.

"We're here!" Cake announced.

I saw the Candy people partying and eating snacks while music was playing on top of the stage.

"Marshall!" Fionna called out to the vampire.

Marshall's POV

"Marshall!" I heard Fionna called out. I turned around and saw her with Cake and (Y/N).

I smirked and floated my way up to them. I saw (Y/N) whisper something into Fiona's ear making me curious.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!" Fionna reassured her,

"Good evening, ladies" I said jokingly bowed at the three making Fionna giggle and (Y/N) roll her eyes and I smirked at her.

"Something wrong, (N/N)~?" I teased holding a lock of her hair and I saw her face getting pink before she swat away my hand.

"I'm gonna go to the buffet table if you excuse me" she said walking away.

"Wait for me, sugar!" Cake said following her.

"Are you sure about your plan?" I whispered to Fionna.

"Relax, it's Cake's idea! I'm pretty sure it'll work" she reassured me.

(Y/N)'s POV

I noticed that Marshall and Fionna were happily talking and laughing and I frowned at the sight and decided to distract myself with (F/F) while Cake was dancing on the dance floor with the other Candy people.

"Oh my Glob, you guys! Aria's gonna sing for us!" Lumpy Space Prince screamed and started to dance harder as the song started.

"This is my jam! Dance with me, girl!" Cake said stretching her arm and and grabbed my hand.

"Cake, no! I don't-" I tried to protest but she ignored it and pulled me anyways.

When I got to the dance floor, everyone cheered.

"C'mon, girl! Move to the music!" she said holding both of my hands while dancing.

I sighed in defeat and danced along with her making the Candy people cheer and dance along.

While I was dancing with Cake, I didn't see the Vampire King looking at me with amusement.

3rd Person's POV

Marshall Lee transformed into a bat and flew to Cake without (Y/N) noticing and whispered.

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