|Finn The Human| What Am I To You? II

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A/N: After this is the Fern the Human request by Oreolover123555!

Requested by: Miss-SkellyQueen

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname

(Y/N)'s POV

"You want me to do what?" I asked in disbelief,

"LSP invited us to a party today at the forest and said everyone needs a date to go. So I need you to fill that spot..." Finn repeated shyly looking at the floor.

"Yeah I get that but why me? Can't you ask Bubblegum or someone else?" I suggested.

"PB's probably doing another experiment in her lab and besides, you owe us remember?" he reminded and I froze on my spot,

"... If I do this... I'm off the hook, right?" I asked and he nodded and I sighed.

"Okay, but I blame you if some jealous princess is gonna try to kill me because of this" I shrugged and went to my room.

"We're leaving in half an hour!" he called out,

"What should I wear?" I asked "Anything casual... Just what you would wear at any normal party" he answered.

"Thanks" I said and got ready for the party.

I wore a simple outfit cause knowing LSP, her parties are gonna be hyped and crazy as possible and wearing something fancy is gonna be a mistake. 

I went down stairs and saw Finn wearing a different outfit and Jake was still the same and playing with BMO

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I went down stairs and saw Finn wearing a different outfit and Jake was still the same and playing with BMO.

"Let's go?" I asked and they nodded.

"We need to pick up Lady and Marcy on the way" he said,

"Marceline?" I asked "She's performing tonight at the party" Jake explained putting down his game and I gulped.

"Something wrong (N/N)?" Finn asked raising a brow and I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it... Let's just go" I said fast walking out of the tree house.

"Have fun lovebirds!" BMO hollered making Finn and I blush,

"Nice" Jake said fist bumping him.

"Finn's like a brother to me!" I shouted continuing to fast walk/run to Marceline's place

"(N/N)! Wait for us!" Finn called out as they ran after me.

When we got there, I heard Marceline playing her bass and singing.

"Marcy!" I shouted banging the door; I heard her stop playing and she opened the door.

"(N/N)? You're going to the party? Who's your date?" she asked.

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