SPOILERS |Magic Man/Normal Man| Deal?

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Requested By: user05907847


(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"You're welcome!" Magic Man shouted as he hopped away, leaving the poor unsuspecting victim in their new unwanted form.

I clicked my tongue as I glared at him, "Out of all the places, he has to be here?" I grumbled, hiding behind some rubble.

I let out a sigh as I quietly sneaked away, not wanting to be seen by the Magic Man.

I managed to reach a clearing and saw a broken-down home.

I looked around carefully and saw that it was safe.

I quickly reached the house and locked the door, hearing Magic Man's maniac laughter from outside.

I took a deep breath as I slid down the door.

"Guess I have to take shelter here for the time being," I muttered as I looked around, seeing if there were anything useful.

On top of a broken drawer, I saw a picture frame.

"Huh?" I muttered, confused why an intact picture frame was inside a run-down house with plants growing from the floorboards.

Out of curiosity, I lifted up and saw a photo of Magic Man and a woman hugging.

"Huh? Who's the-AH!" I felt my foot getting lifted up as a green aura started to surround me.

"What are you doing here!?" Magic Man shouted as he looked at me with fury.

"I'm sorry! I was just trying to find somewhere to hide and-" he grabbed the picture frame back and held it gently.

He looked back at me with a glare, "-Did you scratch it? How much did you see?" he asked as he balled his fist.

I felt my entire body being crushed by some force.

"I-I didn't! I swear, I didn't see anything else!" I shouted, struggling.

He studied me as he continued to crush me.

I hissed at the pain and gave struggling one last try.

I finally broke out, dropped on my head, and landed on my back.

I let out a painful groan as I tried to sit up.

"What? How did you-" he stammered, making me look at him.

He raised a brow at me but looked away, hiding the photo.

I tended to my bumps as I limped to the door.

"Was she your girlfriend?" he sent me a sharp glare, making me step back, "Sorry... it was just a question..." I muttered, grabbing onto the ledge.

I hissed as I rubbed my head, feeling it throb.

Magic Man let out a sigh as he flicked his finger.

In an instant, the pain was gone.

I looked back at Magic Man in surprise, but he just looked at me unamused.

"Um... Thanks?" I muttered, almost questioningly.

He nodded in response.

"Just go," he muttered. I nodded in response as I rushed out of the house, not wanting to test his patience.

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