|Request: Finn The Human X OC| [Ella] Princesses

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Requested by: @ellasfood

Ella's POV

I was floating around the living room while Marceline was tuning up her bass, PB was testing her keyboard, Jake was tuning up his viola, and Finn was fixing the recorder with a microphone taped to it.

"So whose the song's for?" I asked and they all tensed up.

"Umm..." Jake said looking around for an answer and I raised a brow.

"Oh come on, am I the only one who doesn't know?" I pouted and Marceline put an arm around my shoulders.

"What's wrong sis? You jelly of the special girl~?" she teased making me flustered.

"N-NO! I-It's just that it's unfair that I'm the only one who doesn't know! Y-yeah that's why!" I said  and they all chuckled that my reaction making me more flustered.

"I'm telling the truth!" I said,

"Sure you are, sis~" Marceline said and I crossed my arms making them laugh more.

"Ugh, I'm going out!" I said floating to the door.

"Ella, wait!" Finn said but I already slammed the door.

Finn's POV

I sighed and watched her angrily float away

"Don't worry about Ella, she'll come back as soon as she calms down" Marceline reassured.

"I just hope she likes the song..." I mumbled fiddling with the recorder.

"GAH! WHAT DO YOU WANT SIMON?!" we heard her shout and we all come out and saw Ice King trying to blast Ella.

"Ice King!" I said pulling out my sword from my backpack,

"Oh THERE you are princess~" he creepily said while eyeing PB.

"Stay away from Princess Bubblegum, Ice King!" I shouted ready to attack him.

We managed to knock down Ice King's crown and I punched him square on the face making him land on his face.

"Oof! Ugh... what's a guy gotta do to get a date?! All I want is someone to love!" he complained and complained making me sigh.

As I was about to punch him one more time, I felt two hands trying to stop me.

It was Ella's and Marceline's. They looked at me as if to show him sympathy and I sighed.

"All right Ice King, we'll let you go. Just this once" I said getting off of him and put back my sword.

"Oh you won't regret this decision Finn! I'll change I swear!" he said happily while getting his crown and I just looked at him suspiciously.

"Just leave already, old man" Jake said guarding Princess Bubblegum.

"Oh don't worry! I'll stop kidnapping Princess Bubblegum! I just kidnap other princesses!" he said happily.

"Wait, what?!" I said surprised,

"Like little Ella over here! Hehehe" he said blasting Ella trapping her with ice.

"AH! I. CAN'T. BREAK OUT!" she struggled in the ice,

"SIMON!" Marceline shouted turning into a bat monster as me and Jake were charging towards him.

"Let her go!" Jake shouted about to punch Ice King until he trapped us with ice.

"Not gonna happen~ she's gonna be my qu-GAH! HEY WATCH IT!" he shouted as PB was trying to hit him with her invented gun.

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