chapter 1

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Your Pov:

It was just a normal day at the compound. You were sitting on your favorite couch in the common room with your favorite book. Sam and Bucky were there with you, they were watching T.V. It was the middle of the day and mostly everyone was training, then Thor had walked in. He had a larger smile on his face than normal. You didn't pay much mind to it until Tony came storming in.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Tony said. You were confused as to who he was talking to because you had only seen Thor walk in. You got up from your seat on the couch along with Sam and Bucky. You were not prepared for what you saw.

You saw Loki. He was wearing a mask covering his mouth to stop him from talking and handcuffs, they weren't normal handcuffs though, they had runes on them which you could assume were Asgardian because you could not read them. You were scared to say the least. You weren't even at the compound or with the Avengers when Loki took over New York. Bucky pushed you behind him because he could see you shaking from all of the yelling. Sam was rubbing your back because he knew you did not do well with loud noises or yelling.

"He is staying here. Father has sent him here to clean up his act. His stay on Asgard was not doing him any good." Thor said, standing in front of Loki protectively. Loki was staring at you and could not take his eyes off of you. " LIKE HELL HE IS!" Tony had said. You shuddered at his loud words and continued to shake more. Tony had seen you visibly shaking and was next you in an instant. "I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to startle you. Bucky can you take her to her room, she doesn't need to be near this right now?" Bucky had nodded. He started to lead you back to the couch with his hand rubbing your shoulder to try and comfort you. After you had grabbed your book, he took you to the elevator and pushed button "3" for your floor.

"Come here." he said. You did not hesitate to go into his open arms. You started to cry and he kept rubbing your back reassuringly. His flesh hand was holding your head while the metal one was rubbing your back. Once you had made it to your floor, he took you to your room and sat you on your bed. He kneeled in front of you, you leaned your head onto his right shoulder. He had one hand on your knee while the other one was holding your head. No words needed to be spoken, he just held you for awhile.

"You feeling better now, because my knees are starting to hurt?" He only said this when you had even breaths again. "Yeah, thank you" you had said. "Sorry about your shirt and your knees" you had said, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Its no problem at all, do you need some water or something?" "No, I'm good, you should probably head back to everyone downstairs." you said looking up at him because now he was standing. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah they probably need you down there. Thank you" "Anytime, doll." He had opened his arms for a hug, you got up and hugged him back. "You know i love you, right?" "Of course, i love you too". He had kissed your head while hugging you.

After he had left, you went into your bathroom to go wash your face because you were sure there was mascara running down it. You were right! you had also made a mental note to get Bucky a new shirt because you were it was ruined with how much mascara was probably on it.

You had climbed back into bed despite it being the afternoon and read your book for awhile. You had fallen asleep after reading for god knows how long.

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