chapter 2

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Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book, this is my first one so it is probably going to not be the best but thank you anyways. enjoy this chapter:)

You wake up to the smell of bleach and blood, overall not a good smell. You had tried to move around, but you couldn't. Instead you had looked down and saw that there were restraints around your arms, legs, ankles, and chest. You looked around and you saw the cement walls you knew all to well. You knew where you were immediately. You had started to cry because you knew what was coming next. An alarm had went off. 

You had looked up and saw three of the people you had hated most in the world. "Good morning Subject 0518" he had said with a German accent. You had stayed silent, which annoyed him. "Quiet today are we, well you will be screaming in a couple of minutes." You had shed a tear at their words. "You guys are monsters" you had muttered, quiet enough that they only heard. The tallest one had slapped you across the face after hearing that. 

"I guess we will start early then" said the shortest one. You were petrified. You couldn't stop what was coming after that. You had noticed that they also brought some medical tools with them and you already knew what they were going to use them for. The torture had started. They sliced your skin open many, many times and you thought there was going to be no end. It felt like hours until they had finished the torture. You were exhausted. You had wanted to give up. 

"You are done for the day. Goodbye Subject 0518" and with that, they left you. You were now faced with another almost sleepless night. You don't know how long you had actually stayed awake until you fell into a light slumber. You grew used to being a light sleeper because you had always had your guard up. When you had awoken the next day, you were expecting it to be the same routine as always; wake up, torture, once in awhile food, and as much sleep as you could get. This was so much worse. 

You had awoken to Tony and Bucky standing over you. "Bucky? Tony? Are you here to get me out?" Their faces were emotionless. "No, you are nothing, you are worthless. We decided to join in on the fun." Tony had said. You had no words. Your two favorite people were here to help torture you. You couldn't speak, literally. Yesterday you had spent all day screaming for them to stop, now, your throat was raw from it. 

Bucky started coming closer to you with a scalpel. "Bucky? Bucky its me!" He wasn't stopping. "Bucky no! BUCKY I SAID NO! NO! NO! NO!" 

You had jolted awake. You were breathless and in a cold sweat. You were surprised no one had heard you screaming to be honest. You looked around and saw that you were back at home. You were safe. You started to sob uncontrollably into your pillow. If no one had heard you screaming, then you didn't want them hearing you cry. You don't know how long you stayed like that. Once you were done crying you checked the time "7:30 P.M."

You knew that everyone ate dinner around this time so you decided to join them. You took a quick shower and hoped that when you were done that you looked like you hadn't been crying for hours on end. After your shower, you jumped into an oversized black hoodie with a white T-shirt underneath, black leggings and fuzzy socks because you were always cold. You brushed out your hair and did your hair care routine. You went downstairs because you couldn't stall any longer. 

When you had finally gotten downstairs, your breath had caught in your throat. You had seen Bucky and Tony. You weren't prepared for this. No one had known that you were having nightmares. With you staying on your own floor it made it easier to hide when you had them. They happened almost every night. You had a feeling Wanda might know because she can read everyone's minds and heard their thoughts. 

You had continued walking to the table like nothing had happened. You normally sat between Bucky and Sam, and across from Tony and Wanda. You knew tonight you couldn't look at them even though you knew they would never hurt you intentionally. Instead, you asked Sam to switch you seats, which was odd because everyone had "non-official" assigned seats. He looked at you confused. Wanda had also gave you a look but you didn't notice. 

He had whispered in your ear, "What did Metal Man or Coca-Cola Can do? You never switch seats." "Nothing, I just want to sit somewhere different tonight." He looked into your eyes and knew you were lying. 1. you were a horrible liar, and 2. your eyes were blood shot from crying. He had just stared at you for while and said that you were going to talk about it later. You had suddenly lost your appetite. There was pizza sitting on the table, an Avengers favorite because only like 3 people here knew how to cook. However, you had a bad history with an eating disorder, so you ate as much as you could, which was only 3/4 of a slice. 

It is needless to say that you were dreading the conversation that you were going to have with Sam. 

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