chapter 10

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A/N: hi, i wanted to thank you guys for all reading my book and for all of you for being so nice disregarding my last post. you guys have no idea how much it means to me. enjoy this chapter :)

Your Pov:

You and Loki left the living room quickly, you both were extremely tired and did not want to deal with anyone else right now. You walked up the stairs with Loki, talking about your favorite books and whatever else you two could think of. You got to your floor and directed him to the room directly across from yours.

"Okay this is your room. I know it isn't much right now, but I can take you shopping to get things for it." you said. The room was simply painted light grey. There were little to no decorations in it besides ugly paintings that belonged in a hotel. The bed was to the left of the door, in the middle of the left wall. On the wall directly across from the door were floor to ceiling windows, peering onto a beautiful grassy field. On the wall in front of the bed was a long, short dresser with a T.V. hanging above it. The wall that his bed was on also led to his own bathroom, on one side. The other side of his bed had another door leading into a walk in closet.

"Thank you, y/n." he said.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" you slightly shouted. You ran back to your room leaving a very confused Loki where you left him. You ran into your room to get a book from your personal collection. Yes you guys had access to a whole library, but you liked to keep your own personal collection of books that you could leave little notes in. You grabbed Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, you wanted to start him out with one of your favorites. (you can change the book if you want to). You quickly ran back across the hall to give him the gift.

" I mean no offense, but you do know we have a whole library at our disposal?" he looked at you confused.

"Well you see, this is a book from my personal collection. I like to write little notes in them, anyways, it's one of my favorite books and I thought you would enjoy it. It got me through some tough times and helped me adjust around here, it was kind of like an escape." you smiled at him. He still looked quite confused. Your smile fell slightly because you thought he didn't enjoy it, or he thought it was a stupid gift.

"Hey, it's alright. Just forget I gave it to you. I just thought you would like it." you said, slowly taking the book out of his grasp. You wanted to get out of there as quickly as you could to get out of this awkward situation you created.

"No, no do not take it back. I was just confused why you would give me such a personal thing, no one ever has. I will cherish it, thank you." he said. He took the book back from your grasp. You smiled at him, and he did the same.

You both stood there, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Well, I better get back to bed, I have to cook breakfast tomorrow. Good night, Loki." you smiled at him, leaving his room. As you walked across the hall you heard a faint "goodnight". You smiled like an idiot.

When you got to your room you went to your bathroom to brush your teeth. You did some skincare and went to sit on the couch in your room, but before you sat down, you turned on your essential oil diffuser. It helped you calm down, it was a recommendation from your therapist. You knew you were going to face another sleepless night so you did not even bother trying to fall asleep.

You read for a couple hours, snuggled up in a cozy blanket on your couch, when suddenly you heard a knock at your door. You got up, looking quite confused. No one was usually up at this hour besides Tony's insomniatic ass, but he just walked into your room normally. You walked up to your door to find Loki.

"Loki? What are you doing here? Its late." you asked him, confused.

"Well, I just finished this book, and I cannot seem to find the sequel in the library. I was wondering if you had it. Were you asleep, because I can come back another time." he responded. You smiled at him, turning your body gesturing for him to come into your room. He followed you to your bookshelf. You had a mini wooden step ladder in your room so you could stop asking Thor to get down your books.

"Here it is." you said, struggling for a little bit, but you got the book eventually. You handed it to him, exchanging the one he already in his hands and put it back in its spot on your shelf.

"Thank you again, I also have a request." he stated as you stepped off the stool. You nodded for him to continue.

"May I stay in here to read. It's just that your room has a lot more things in it, and my room right now feels cold in a way. Also your room smells nice, and you have all these amazing, soft blankets. You room just feels more homey." You looked at him stunned. He thought that meant no, and started to walk out of your room.

"I am sorry, I should not have even asked. Forgive-" he was cut off by you grabbing his arm, causing him to stop.

"No Loki, it's no problem at all. I get it. When I first got here, I was never in my room. So stay, if you want to." you replied with a smile. He smiled back at you and sat at the other end of your couch.

He was just wearing an emerald green t-shirt and black shorts, so you grabbed him one of your blankets. He smiled at you.

You both read in comfortable silence with your music faintly playing in the background. After reading for another hour or so, Loki looked quite bored, so, he closed his book and looked up at you. He stared at your face and thought you were beautiful. You didn't catch up on his staring for another couple of minutes.

"What? Is there something on my face?" you said starting to get self conscious.

"No, you are just beautiful, and I like to look at beautiful things." he said still gazing at you. You blushed at him, no one ever called you that before.

Maybe Loki staying here would be good for you.

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