chapter 28

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also this ~~~ means time skip 

Authors note: THANK YOU GUYS FOR OVER 28K READS!!! THAT IS CRAZY!!! I can never thank you guys enough for reading my book and all the nice feedback i have gotten on it. Also, thank you guys for putting up with my crazy writing schedule. I have taken some much needed time off because of my mental health. It hasnt been the best and writing for you guys was causing me to have anxiety attacks. But i am back now and am excited to see where this story goes. Anyways, enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading !

Your Pov: 


You thought as you looked up to see Loki's eyes already glaring at you, but when he saw your red rimmed eyes, his gaze softened. He saw how defeated you were and knew you didn't need to be reprimanded for thinking what you thought. 

He uncrossed his arms from in front of his chest and wrapped them around you, bringing your head into his chest with his right hand, wrapping his left arm around your lower back and putting his head on the right side of your head, resting it in your hair. You immediately reciprocated the hug, needing the comfort. You wrapped your arms around his torso and breathed in his scent, the scent you missed. 

He always smelled like mint mixed with jasmine. The scent calmed you more than you would like to admit, it smelled comforting, like home. 

After awhile your right shoulder started to feel wet where your hair wasn't even touching. You pulled back slightly from Loki's embrace to see something you have never seen before; Loki crying. 

"What's wrong?" you asked while your left hand cupped his cheek, your thumb rubbing his face softly while his hands were now wrapped around your waist. He didn't answer immediately, instead he nuzzled his face deeper into your hand. Now, if Loki wasn't crying your heart would have exploded, but now was not the time. 

"I was so scared." he stated softly, barely above a whisper. You looked at him confusedly. In all the time you knew him, he was never afraid of anything. It almost frightened you to figure out what scared him so badly. 

"I was so scared to lose you." he said as his voice cracked all while keeping eye contact with you. This caused more tears to stream down both of your faces. You looked at him confused, that's what he was afraid of? 

You didn't respond anything to him because you simply had nothing to say. Right now he needed comforting, you thought he didn't need to be burdened with your fears. 

"When Thor told me what happened that day, it was the scaredest I have ever felt. I didn't know if you were going to come back to me. I didn't know if I was going to see you again. I didn't know if I was going to be able to hold you again." he said as more tears sprung out of his gorgeous eyes. He took a deep breath. 

"You are my favorite part about being alive, before I met you, I was always alone, but you changed that for me and I was so afraid to lose that, lose you." he said, and it was like time stopped. 

In this moment, there were no other variables, it was just you and Loki. 

Your heart felt so full right now, you never thought anyone would feel that way about you. You always felt like you hadn't made the biggest difference anywhere. You always felt like that if you went away, everyone would be fine and everyone would move on. 

Your eyes darted between looking at Lokis eyes and his lips and his did the same. You got on your tippy toes, so he would have to bend down less. You both started to lean your heads in, but you saw Loki hesitate for a second. But you could tell he wanted this by the look in his eyes, so you "grew a pair" and pulled his face in and closed the gap left between you two. 

Loki kissed you back instantly, his hands going from around your waist to the small of your back, wrapping around your body, helping you keep your balance and crushing your bodies against one another's. 

The kiss was gentle, but filled with passion. His lips felt cool against yours, kind of like a breath of fresh air. His lips were soft and felt like they belonged with yours.

This was your first kiss, so you didn't really know what you were doing, so you kept it gentle, afraid of messing up, but it was perfect. 

The kiss ended much too shortly for your liking, but you unfortunately had to break away for air at some point. You both pulled away, slightly gasping for air, feeling like you were both on cloud nine. As you recovered, Loki's hands started rubbing up and down your back, relaxing you in an instant.

You looked up to see Loki already smiling at you, causing you to automatically smile at him in return. 

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." he said. His left hand left your back and went to grab your jaw, bringing your head up. He landed a soft peck on your lips, then soon after, a loving and tender one on your forehead. It lasted for a few seconds with you closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of his skin on yours. 


You and Loki spent the rest of the day just lounging around in your room. He didn't offer to try and go downstairs, which you were grateful for. He knew it would be too much for you. Instead, he asked for Tony to kindly bring you up some food so you could eat. 

At first, you really didn't want to eat at all, but you eventually did. You ate a whole bowl of your favorite soup and felt really proud of yourself, you didn't remember the last time you had a proper meal. 

After you ate, you spent your day watching movies and reading with Loki. 

Tony came up to see you at least 6 times, which you were grateful for, but every time he saw you, he pulled away from Loki and you practically had to kick him out. 

No one else came to see you, they respected your privacy and need to be alone (except Loki). Except Thor had to be held back from going into your room. It got so bad that they almost had to get Wanda on his ass. 

Overall, it was a good day for you, the best you had had in so long. 


Recovery- Loki x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now