chapter 15

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A/N: HOLY SHIT 500 READS!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING MY FIRST BOOK!!!! this book means a lot to me and I am so happy with al the positive feedback i have received so far on it so far! i am not planning on ending this book anytime soon, however, would you guys want a BuckyxReader book, another Loki one, or like any of the actors/characters? i am happy to do any of them! anyways, let me know what you guys think and enjoy this chapter :)

Your Pov:

Natasha and Wanda barged into your room, leaving you at the door. With Natasha and Wanda, you could be more yourself, and less afraid of everything.

"No, please, invite yourselves in." you scolded at them. They just glared at you and started emptying their arms. You didn't even notice that when they entered your room, they also had all of your favorite movies, snacks, and brought facemasks.

"So what's going to happen is; we are going to do facemasks, eat as much as we want to, watch all the movies you want to, and maybe, just maybe, you will talk to us, if not, that's fine too." Natasha ordered at you, Wanda just nodded at her words.

You started to chuckle at them, not in a demeaning way, but in a thankful way. You were so thankful to have them in your life, they were some of your closest friends and they never pressured you into anything, they were always there for you, and they loved you no matter what.

And the you started crying again. You thought that you were done crying, but apparently not. They both engulfed you in an enormous hug, not letting go until you calmed down. Half way through, they brought you over to the couch so you could be more comfortable.

They let you cry for as long as you needed to, without saying a word, they just held you the whole time. Once you finally calmed down, you guys got to doing facemasks while stuffing your faces as much as you wanted to. You didn't partake as much in that department because you knew you couldn't stomach food.

You guys spent the rest of the day watching your favorite movies, much to your disliking. You couldn't be around a lot of people for a long time, it made you anxious. They started to pick up on your discomfort, and left you be. You wished that you could be "normal" and be around them all the time, this thought caused you to cry more.

'God I am so tired of fucking crying. I thought I cried all this shit out, apparently not." you thought to yourself. Your breath started to quicken up, so, you tried to calm yourself down the only way that worked, you went to the roof, with a book.

It was now dark out and the stars always calmed you down. When you got up to the roof, someone already was there. The person had long, raven hair and you already knew who it was, Loki.

"Will you please go away, I do not wish to see anyone." he yelled you, but he didn't know it was you. He didn't even see who it was. When he didn't hear anyone respond, he turned to see you.

"s-sorry i-i didn't m-mean to i-interupt you." you whispered out, only loud enough for him to hear. As soon as he saw it was you, his face visibly softened, he felt awful as soon as he saw your tear stained cheeks.

You quickly turned to leave and almost made it to the door when you felt a hand grab your arm.

"I am so sorry, I did not know it was you, if I did. I would have never spoken to you like that." he quickly said. You glanced at his hold on you, which was slightly tight. You looked into his eyes and he saw that you were almost scared, he wished to never make you feel like that. He quickly retracted his hold on you.

"Do you wish to talk about it? You do not have to if you wish not to." he said. You didn't want to talk about again, so instead, you just wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face into his chest. You felt him flinch, not used to the comforting touch. You felt it too. You tried to retract your arms, but instead, his wrapped around your shoulders with his head resting on top of yours.

You two stayed on the roof, looking at the stars, until you started to feel tired. Loki could tell because he felt your body growing heavier in his arms. You jolted your self awake almost as soon as you started to drift off. Loki looked down at you whilst grabbing your chin to make you look upwards.

"I think you might be tired, little one. Perhaps you should go to your chambers to sleep." he said in a comforting voice. You nodded at his words. You felt a drastic change in temperature as you blinked your eyes. Before you blinked, you were cold since you were on the roof. Now, you were suddenly in your room.

Loki led you to your bathroom so you could brush your teeth and get ready for bed. You started to brush your teeth and looked towards Loki in the reflection of the mirror and saw him walking towards you. He looked you in the eyes and reached behind you, across your back and grabbed the toothpaste and started brushing his own teeth. You two did that in silence and finished getting ready for bed.

You changed into a black t-shirt and sweatpants and made your way over to your bed. You sat down and got comfortable under your comforter. Loki was sitting on your couch reading while you were laying in your bed. You didn't want to sleep alone, but you didn't want to ask him. He seemed to read your mind yet again, and made his way over to your bed.

He didn't say any words and just laid in your bed, next to you. It got a little awkward until he moved closer towards you. He moved your head towards his chest and wrapped one arm around waist while the other one was running its fingers through your hair.

"Back when I was kept in Hydra, every day the same three men would come in and torture me, which you already know. I never learned the names of two of them, the only one I knew, his name was Wolfgang von Strucker, which as we found out today, is my birthfather. I never knew my mom, but apparently she died when I was almost a year old. I just don't understand how a father could do that to his own child, everyday." you sniffled, shedding a tear you didn't even notice come out. Loki held you tighter as you spoke.

"My father was not the best either, not that is a competition at all. I mean you saw what he did too, on that night on the roof. We will never truly understand why our parents are the way they are, all we can do is strive to be better than they ever were. And from as long as I have known you, you are a million times better than he could have ever been." he said to you. You wondered how you still had tears left, but you did somehow.

"Thank you, and as long as I have known you, you aren't half bad either." you said to him, which made him lightly chuckle. You felt a lot better after hearing what he said. You didn't even realize when you started to drift off.

"Goodnight little one." Loki said as he kissed the top of your head.

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