chapter 13

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A/N ; hey guys, i wanted to try out a new pov for this chapter. part of the chapter will be 3rd person, i have never written in 3rd person, so let me know what you guys think. also if you have any ideas for the story or any suggestions, feel free to comment them. enjoy the chapter:)

3rd Person Pov:

A scream was heard throughout the tower, everyone was worried. Tony and Bruce were in the lab. Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Pietro, and Sam were all hanging out in the living room. Wanda and Vision were out at the store. Thor was in the kitchen cooking poptarts, and Loki was reading in the library.

"Excuse me sir, it appears that Miss. Y/N has had a mishap in the training room on floor 2, I cannot detect a heartbeat." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said to Tony and Bruce in the lab. Instantly their faces were horrified and almost drained of color.

"Notify everyone else and stay here, I'll bring her to you.'" Tony said to Bruce. Bruce really wanted to go with, but he knew he needed to stay in the lab and be ready for him to bring her in, he hoped he could save her. Y/N was a child to some of the avengers, a little sister to others, or a best friend.

"Guys, y/n was injured while training. Tony is on his way down but if you are closer, get to her, F.R.I.D.A.Y. said it was bad. She is in the training room on level 2, please hurry and bring her to the lab on level 5." Bruce's voice said over the intercom. Instantly, everyone looked at each other and immediately went down to y/n. Loki was beyond worried, he did not hesitate to teleport to y/n immediately. His only friend here was hurt.

Loki was the first person to find your body in the room, when he saw you, he had tears in his eyes. He sprinted to your lifeless body and tried to wake you up in every way he knew how, but he failed.

Everyone else soon was in the room with Loki and they all shared a look of pure horror. They never expected you to get hurt, they always protected you from everything, they never knew they had to protect you from yourself.

Loki quickly teleported you two to the lab.

"BRUCE!" Loki exclaimed.

"Bring her over here." Bruce gestured towards a medical bed in the lab. Loki gently laid down your lifeless body and started to cry. Soon, everyone else was in the lab and they were not prepared for what they saw.

Bruce quickly checked your vitals and found no heart beat, he grabbed the medical cart in the lab and charged them to 300. He shocked your body and he waited for there to be a heartbeat, luckily there was one. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they don't know what they would do without you.

Steve called Wanda and Vision to come home and that you were in an accident.

Bruce started to do some tests on you to figure out what happened when Wanda and Vision burst through the door. They saw your body lying on the table and started to cry. Vision consoled Wanda while he figured out what happened. No one really knew, so Bruce did a blood test to see if anything was different.

"Hey Wanda, can you get in her head to see what happened, or maybe keep her asleep while I do the tests, she hates needles and I don't want her to wake up while I am doing it?" Bruce asked Wanda, she nodded, but she always promised to never go in your head, so she just kept you asleep. Loki could have done it, but he was too distraught.

Bruce ran the tests for hours while everyone else were like bumps on a log. Wanda got out of your head as soon as the tests were done so you could wake up. Now, it was a waiting game.

Your Pov:

Beeping, you heard beeping, which was strange. You hesitantly opened your eyes and were met with a ceiling. The ceiling looked familiar. You went to rub your eyes, but you couldn't lift up your hands. You looked down to see one of your least favorite dumbasses, Bucky. On the other side of you was Loki, you smiled at him. Sitting next to Bucky was Sam, who had his head on Bucky's shoulder, aww. Directly in front of your bed was Tony, asleep at your feet. You wished you had your phone right now so you could get a photo of this.

You didn't make your presence known, you saw the dark circles on everyone's faces and knew they were exhausted. You looked towards Loki and he had a look of distress on his face, like he was having a nightmare. You ran your fingers through his hair to try and calm him down. His stressed face went away immediately and turned into a smile, which made you smile.

After awhile of staying like that, Loki started to wake up. You continued to run your fingers through his hair as he did. His eyes shot open, he never felt comforted by anyone beside you and his mother, but there was no way his mother was here which left him with one option. He stared at you as if you were not real. He quickly shot up and engulfed you in a bone crushing hug, which made you wince slightly. You two stayed in that hug until you felt like you could no longer breathe. He assumed this so he let go of you.

"Sorry, how are you feeling?" he asked you while looking embarrassed. You pointed to your throat and he knew what you meant. He quickly got you a glass of water and handed it to you. He realized that you were laying down and took the water back to help you sit up. He placed one hand on your back while he took the other one in his. When you were sat up, he still had a hand on your back, rubbing it up and down. Everyone else in the room was still asleep which you were surprised about.

Before you could say anything to Loki, Bruce walked into the room with a stressed look on his face. The look faded slightly once he saw that you were awake.

"Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" he asked you.

"I'm sore like everywhere, but other than that I'm good. What happened anyways?" you said to him. He looked at you confused.

"You took a fall in the training room on the second floor, you weren't breathing and your heart wasn't beating. We got you back and I did some tests on you. I found out some things about you, more importantly your parents. Do you want to know who they are and what I found?"

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