chapter 17

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A/N: heyyy, i am so sorry for not updating yesterday, my computer has been broken for the last three days and i haven't even been able to do school. now, i am using my dad's computer so i can keep writing for you guys. i hope you guys understand. and also THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1.5K READS ON THIS BOOK!!!!!! i can never thank you guys enough for it. i hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Your Pov:

As you made your way to the roof, you noticed that everyone else was already waiting for you on the roof, except Loki, he was waiting to say goodbye to you. As soon as you got to him, he engulfed you in a hug.

"Please be careful, little one." he told you. You could tell he was nervous because he wasn't making any funny remarks or jokes.

"I will, just don't have too much fun while we are gone." you said to him. Although, your words were slightly muffled since your face was pushed into his chest. You guys stayed like that until you heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. tell you that everyone was waiting for you on the roof.

He kissed your forehead right before you two parted and you got onto the elevator. You waved to him and watched as the elevator doors closed.

Once you got to the roof, you saw everyone glaring at you. You didn't care though, you just sat down and waited for Clint to fly the Quinjet. You were seated in between Thor and Wanda. Everyone else was conversing with their partners for the mission. Your partner was Wanda since you both worked well together and shared some of the same powers.

You didn't even notice that your leg was bouncing until Wanda put her hand on your knee to stop it. Before she could say anything, Thor cut in.

"You know Lady Y/N, my brother has taking a liking to you. I have never seen him so happy." he said to you. You knew what he was doing, he was trying to get your mind off the mission so you would be less anxious, but it wasn't working. Your mind kept drifting to the worse case scenarios.

Before you could have a panic attack, Tony announced that you were there. You wanted this to be over as fast as possibly, so you were one of the first ones out. Your and Wanda's task was to distract the guards while Natasha and Steve got the files. Sam and Bucky were supposed to also keep the guards preoccupied. Vision, Thor, Bruce, Tony were staying outside, taking down the guards and whatever other machinery they had. Pietro and Clint were staying on the Quinjet as back up.

You, Wanda, Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Bucky all made your way to the front door. Steve broke the door lock with his shield and you guys were in. 'This was too easy' you thought. When you were kept here, if someone got in, an alarm would go off, now there wasn't one.

"Maybe there's no one here" Sam stated. As soon as the words left his mouth, gun fire went off.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN" Steve yelled. Wanda put up a force field around everyone she could. You used your powers to get their guns out of their hands by manipulating the air. It got the guns out of their hands, but you didn't notice the guards behind you. You went to mind control them, but before you could, you felt a pinch in your neck. You looked and realized that the force field had dropped, which caused you to look to Wanda who also had a dart in her neck.

You tried to reach in yourself to use your powers, but it was like they no longer existed and you were left horrified. You weren't as good fighting without your powers since you always had them. You only trained with Natasha like once a month. You and Wanda just looked at each other, slightly horrified.

You didn't notice everyone around you until you heard a loud thud. You looked towards where the noise came from to find everyone else fighting the guards.

You were looking at Sam getting his ass beat when you felt yourself fly back. You landed on your back, also hitting your head. You looked up to see a fist flying towards your face. You tried to duck out of the way, but failed horribly. You got hit right in the nose, it hurt like a bitch. You tried to fight back, but with your vision already hazy and you not at full strength, you didn't stand a chance.

You were about to get punched again when the man was no longer on top of you. You looked to where the man went to see Bucky straddling him, with his metal hand around his neck.

You finally regained your balance when another guard went up behind you and pulled a gun towards your temple. Immediately everyone stopped fighting when they saw you.

"I will let all of you go, all you have to do is leave her here, with us." he said. Those words sent a shiver down your spine. You looked around at everyone, and saw how badly they were hurt. You knew what you had to do, as much as you hated it. If everyone was to survive this, they would have to leave you here.

"I-it's okay g-guys. Just g-go." you told them. Not one of them moved. They could hear the fear in your voice, they didn't want to leave you here.

"I-I'll be o-okay, please j-just go. I d-don't want anyone else getting h-hurt." you said to them. There were tears running down your face at this point.

When none of them made a move to leave, the guard that was holding you cocked the gun, ready to fire.

"Alright, alright." Steve said. Everyone looked at him in disbelief, was he really agreeing to leave you here. You looked towards Bucky and gave him the best smile you could, you didn't want the last time for him to see you to be you petrified.

The guards started to walk out with you, leaving everyone behind.

"Tell Loki that I'm s-sorry" you said to the team. You didn't want him to think you forgot about him. The guards led you to an elevator. 'This is it. This is the last time I will see them' you thought as the doors closed.

Once the elevator stopped, you noticed that you were on the roof of the building. There was a helicopter waiting there, along with the person you feared most in this world, Strucker. You just looked at him with absolute fear, stopping in your tracks. The guards picked up on this and carried you the rest of the way to the helicopter.

3rd Person Pov:

Tony, Vision, Thor, and Bruce noticed that a helicopter was leaving from the roof. They looked quite confused. Everyone of them was too hurt to do anything though. They all had broken bones and stab wounds littered on their bodies.

Tony tried to look inside the plane from inside his suit, and what he saw caused him to start crying. He saw you crying, banging against the window to be freed. 'They got to y/n. How did they get her?' he thought in his head. He tried to fly in the air to the plane, but the guards that they were fighting broke his thrusters on his suit. He was grounded. No one could get to you.

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