chapter 9

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Loki Pov:

I tried to fall asleep but I could not, I kept replaying her story in my head. She was taken when she was one year, ONE FUCKING YEAR OLD! She was tortured for years at a time with no hope in sight. I felt bad for her. I thought my life was awful, but hers was worse than I could ever imagine.

Did anyone else here know of her past? Are the people who did this to her still alive? Why would someone do that to an innocent child? Those questions were going through my head as I looked over and saw her visibly shiver. I did not even realize how cold it was up here.

I got up from my "bed" and grabbed her blanket. I conjured it to her room so I would not have to carry it, along with her book as well. I cradled her in my arms, her head was leaning against my right shoulder and her legs were being held in my left arm. I did not want to teleport us to her room, I did not want her to wake at the sudden movement.

I walked her to her room and set her on her bed. Her room fit her personality fairly well. She had a wooden bedframe with white sheets covering her bed. She had emerald green accents all around her room, along with some burnt orange. She had a couch in the right corner, on the wall next to it, there was a massive bookshelf that took up the whole wall. She also had a desk which had a laptop on it along with some plants. Her room had many plants, it made me feel very peaceful.

I set her down on her bed and took her shoes off. She was already wearing comfortable clothes so I did not have to worry about conjuring her a new outfit. I did however take off her many rings so she could be more comfortable. I pulled the comforter of her bed up to her shoulders so she would not get cold. I brushed her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her left ear.

"Good night, little one." I said as I kissed her forehead. She smiled after that.

As I was walking downstairs, I heard some squabbling going on between Thor and three other people. I wanted to know what it was about, so I stayed on the stairs out of sight and listened.

"He is not staying in there! That is the same floor as y/n, it's not safe for her!" Tony had yelled. I looked over the railing to see him chest to chest with Thor. Really though, it was chest to head since Tony was like 5'2.

"It is the only available room here and I am not letting my brother sleep in one of your cells!" Thor said. I finally figured out what their heated debate was about, my chambers. From what I picked up on in their conversation thus far, Tony, Bucky, and Natasha wanted me to not stay on the same floor as y/n. Thor was defending my honor which I appreciated. I was about to walk downstairs when someone came up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"I think we should head down there since this conversation is about us." a beautiful voice said from behind me. I turned around to see her standing two stairs above me, we were almost the same height like this, I however, was still taller.

"Oh my gods, you startled me." she chuckled. "There's not many people who can sneak up on me. Also, what are you doing awake?" I said. She just smiled at that and walked around me to head downstairs.

"I can't sleep when there's this much noise" she said, looking back at me.

Your Pov:

As you was walking downstairs, you heard more yelling. You instantly flinched and shut your eyes quickly, stopping on the stairs. You felt someone bump into you, almost falling down the stairs. Luckily, two muscular arms caught your waist.

"Are you alright?" Loki had said, spinning you around. You had to crane your neck very far to even meet his eyes.

"Yeah, thanks for catching me, and also bringing me inside. Sorry for falling asleep out there." you said still looking into those gorgeous green eyes.

"It was no problem at all, and there is no need to apologize." You went to say sorry after that, but you quickly caught yourself before the word could leave your mouth. You simply smiled at him and continued to go downstairs.

You stood at the doorway to the living room, watching the scene unfold until you got more information. Loki was standing behind you, leaning on the doorframe. You let them continue their bickering for a couple more minutes until they got even louder than they were before. You visibly flinched, jumping back a bit, being flesh against Loki's chest.

He saw how shaken you were and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

"Please stop this." Loki stated, not very loud though, he did not want to startle you. When that didn't work, he got into their heads. You looked around very confused when you no longer heard yelling. Everyone was turned, looking at you.

"Loki can stay on the same floor as me, I don't mind. Plus it is the only spare room in this place." you said, slowly meeting Tony's eyes. He looked angry. You looked over at Thor and saw him smiling ear to ear.

"NO, he is not staying on the same floor as you. No offense, but you are not the strongest person here and aren't even an Avenger. He could hurt you, y/n."

"I will be fine. Since Loki has got here, he has been nothing but nice to me." you said, suddenly standing more confidently. Tony just glared at you. Bucky did not look much happier, but Natasha was smiling at you, but she was still mad. She was happy you were finally sticking up for yourself.

"He killed 80 people in two days when he tried to take over New York. He probably killed more than that when the Chitauri got here." Bucky accused, pointing a finger at him.

"Oh my gosh, that was years ago, people change. You changed, all of you. Tony, you used to make weapons for a living, killing over thousands of people with said weapons. While that was happening, you reaked in the benefits. Bucky, you have done some things in your life, but you turned your life around. And Natasha, you got on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar in a bad way, and now you are taking down the bad guys. People change." you said, you felt bad for lashing out at them, but they needed perspective on the situation.

Everyone just stared at you, tongue tied. They all walked out of the room to do god knows what. As Natasha left, she patted you on the back. You smiled at her. Thor smiled at you as he left too. He was happy someone else was looking out for his younger brother. You turned to Loki.

"Are you ready to see your room?"

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