chapter 5

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Your Pov:

You woke up to Loki snoring. You didn't know what time it was and you did not care either. You looked through the windows of the library and the sun was starting to come up. You thought over everything that had happened last night. 'How did Loki get into my dream? How much did he see?' you thought over. 'Why would Loki help me?' You were thankful that Loki had decided to help you, maybe he wasn't as heartless as everyone had thought. You decided that going back to sleep would not be a good idea, you didn't want to risk having another nightmare. So you grabbed the book Loki was reading last night since it was the closest one to you and you didn't want to wake him up. You kept the bookmark that was already in there on Loki's page because you didn't want him to get lost in the book. You read for awhile until you heard that beautiful Asgardian voice.

"Good morning" he had said. You jumped a little at his words because you weren't aware he was awake. You sat up quickly realizing your head was still in his lap. You put your book down and brought all of your attention to Loki.

"Good morning Loki. Thank you for getting me out of there." you said in a quiet voice. You were still embarrassed he had to get you out of there and see what happened to you.

"I do not know how many times I have to say this, it was no problem at all. I am just glad you are safe." you smiled at his words. You always felt like a burden to everyone here because they just took you in. You felt like you should owe them something. You didn't get to say anything after that because Bucky and Sam walked into the library.

You looked up to Sam and Bucky already staring at you. You looked at them confused. Their eyes went from you to Loki continually.

"Good morning (Y/N). Loki" Sam had said nodding at both of you as he said your names. Bucky just stood there. They both made their way around to the couches. Bucky took on his protective role immediately and sat in between you and Loki, you were still a little shaken up after your nightmare yesterday that you scooted closer to Sam. He just sat next to you. It was a small couch so no one was really comfortable.

Bucky and Sam started up conversation with you while they left Loki out. You tried to talk to him as much as you could because you didn't want him to feel left out, although, that's exactly what Sam and Bucky were going for.

F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted your awkward conversation informing all of you that breakfast was ready. You all got up quickly because you knew if Thor got there before you, all the food would be gone. You all crammed into the elevator with Sam and Bucky in front of you and Loki.

I enjoyed this morning, it is a shame that these two oafs ruined the peace and quiet.

You heard that in your head. It wasn't your voice though. You looked towards Loki and he was already smiling at you. 'So he was the one who said that?' you thought. You figured if he could get into your head that he could read your thoughts.

How did you do that? I did enjoy this morning too.

Before he could answer, the doors to the main floor had opened, they opened to the left of the couch. You all went to the kitchen to see what Vision had made. Even though Vision has never eaten anything before, god that toaster could cook. Today, he made Belgium waffles and some hash browns on the side. Thankfully, you had gotten down there before Thor did.

You took a waffle, put maple syrup on it, and took a separate, littler plate for your hash browns. Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Tony, Wanda, Pepper, and Pietro were already sitting and eating. You had sat in your normal seat since you were feeling a little better, you were still a little scared of Tony, but he gave you a reassuring smile after he had seen you sit in your regular seat.

Thor had came downstairs after that. He popped some Pop-Tarts in the toaster and stood by the counter, waiting for them to pop up. After they were done, he came to the table with three large plates and a even bigger glass of chocolate milk. Loki sat next to Thor who sat next Pepper. He gave you a questioning look.

What even are these things? How do I eat them?

He said to you in your mind. You started to giggle at that. Everyone looked at you like you were nuts, you didn't care.

They are called waffles, you put syrup on them, or whatever you want. They are sweet so I wouldn't recommend putting anything salty on them. Peanut butter and bananas is good on them too.

He looked off into the distance somewhere, contemplating what to put on his waffle. He decided to take your recommendation and put some bananas and peanut butter on them. he quickly dug into them because he was starving.

Oh my Gods, these are delish!

He thought, you didn't think he meant for you to hear that. You just laughed again. Everyone else was no longer staring at you because their faces were in their food.

Breakfast ended, and it was Pietro's turn to do the dishes. He quickly sped around the table collecting everyone's dishes. They were all washed in under 2 minutes and none of you were surprised. Everyday after breakfast, you usually went and trained by yourself to let out some anger. Sometimes though, Natasha or Wanda would join you. Today, Wanda had decided to join you.

You went back into your room and changed into a black sports bra, black leggings, and white tennis shoes. (you can change it if you want to). You weren't comfortable with everyone seeing your scars, so you put on a massive T-shirt as well. Your arms did not have a lot of scars on them, but the ones that were there you covered with bracelets and an Apple Watch. You grabbed your head phones and went downstairs.

You got to the training room and Wanda was not there yet, so, you went to the punching bags. Normally, Wanda trained in the main part of the room, so you didn't think to look all the way around. You took your shirt off since you thought you were alone and it always got in the way. You put your headphones and went to the punching bags. You got to the punching bags and went crazy. You punched as hard as you could.

You thought about everything Hydra had done to you. You couldn't remember anything beyond the last 5 years, but even that was enough to make you punch the bag off the chain. You weren't surprised by this because you did it all the time when you were alone.  You went to get another bag to hang up and stopped where you stood.

You looked up to see Loki and Thor walking into the training room. They stopped as soon as they saw you. Thor looked almost horrified and Loki looked angry as hell. He also managed to look pitiful at the same time.


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