chapter 20

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A/N: hey guys, thank you for all the nice comments regarding my last author's note. it means a lot to me that you guys aren't mad or anything. i am going to try and update as often as i can in the next couple of weeks. on another note, THANK YOU GUYS FOR 4.5K READS ON THIS BOOK!!!! i can never thank you guys enough for all the support and kind comments i have gotten. i hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thanks again :)

3rd Person Pov:

"DAMN IT!" Tony yelled right after Loki teleported away. He hadn't even thought Loki would go to her as soon as they landed. On the other hand, Thor knew he would. He knew his brother's feelings for y/n and he knew he would go to her as soon as they landed.

Everyone made their way out of the jet, Thor, Vision, Tony, Sam and Wanda opted to fly to the base to get their faster. Bucky just scoffed.

"You could have taken me with you!" he yelled at Sam through the comms. He just laughed in response.

After Bucky was done pouting, he and everyone else on the ground started running to the base. As soon as Bruce's feet hit solid ground, he Hulked out. He was so mad about this whole situation. He was mainly mad at Steve, but he would never voice his opinion about it. Hulk started hopping from tree to tree, making his way to the base.

Meanwhile with Loki, he was already in the building, taking down every agent he encountered. He initially teleported to the outside of the building, and sent a clone of himself in. He wanted to see how many agents were in there and what not.

Soon after that, he got an estimate on the headcount of agents and made his way in. His clone was still in the building, although now it had a different task, find y/n.

His actual self at the moment was snapping someone's neck, when he saw a blue blur speed past him. 'Finally, it took them long enough' he thought.

His clone self was currently in the basement of the building, agents shooting at it left and right. He simply did not care though because he knew none of them would hurt his actual body.

"NO, NO, PLEASE STOP!" he heard and he knew it was y/n immediately. Loki's clone body was replaced with his actual body as soon as he heard her pleads. His body had a shield around it so he wouldn't get hit with any bullets and made his way to the room in a hurry.

He soon got tired of all the bullets they were wasting and in one swift moment, all the guards were dead. He was confused, they were all killed by lightning, which only meant one thing. He turned around to see his brother standing down the hall. He quickly smiled at him and jogged the rest of the way to the room he knew y/n was in.

He was not prepared for what he saw when he entered. He saw the woman he loved, tied to a metal chair with a man on top of her. She had tears mixed with blood running down her beautiful face.

The man must have not heard Loki enter because he was still trying to make his advancements at her. This made Loki's blood boil. He quickly used his powers to hold the man up by his throat, slowly draining the life from him. He watched the man die and looked towards y/n. Her suit was currently cut in half, exposing her almost naked body. She was still wearing her bra, but her underwear was gone. He looked up towards her eyes, not wanting to pry and conjured her up her favorite sweater and sweatpants from the compound.

He made his way to the chair she was on and quickly undid all the restraints. She still had not looked up at Loki and she thought another guard was here to take advantage of her again. She was shaking with fear.

Y/N, it's me.

Loki said that to her through her mind. He knew she would not look at him, so he used his powers to let her know she was safe. She opened her eyes slowly, to see Loki leaning over her. She smiled at him gratefully, but she felt like she couldn't move.

Can you help me get dressed please?

She asked him telepathically. Her throat hurt from her yelling so much so she didn't feel like talking. He nodded at her.

May I touch you, your back so I can help you get dressed?

He knew she would be sensitive to anyone's touch in this state, so he asked before he did anything else. She nodded and he slowly wrapped his hand around her back so she could sit up.

He got her dressed, telling her what he was doing every step of the way. She was grateful for this.

He helped her stand up, but her knees quickly buckled underneath her. Loki caught her before she fell and decided that for her safety, he would carry her. He asked first, which she agreed with and he scooped up her body.

She looked around the room and saw Strucker lying dead on the floor. Her eyes went wide in shock. She had never seen a dead person before and she was freaked out. Loki knew he had to get her out of there, so he teleported them both back onto the Quinjet. No one else was there, they were all still fighting the Hydra agents.

He conjured up her favorite blanket from her room and lavender pillow spray. He knew she was freaking out on the inside and he knew the scent calmed her down. He sprayed it on the blanket and laid it on top of them both. She was still laying in his arms. He didn't know if she wanted him to put her down somewhere else, so he asked her.

Do you wish to lay somewhere else, by yourself?

No, can we please stay like this?

Of course.

She nuzzled her head into Loki's chest at the confirmation. She started to fall asleep, but she felt like she couldn't. She felt that if she closed her eyes, she would wake up to being back in that god awful room.

Rest darling, I promise you that you are safe.

She heard in her mind as Loki swept some of the hair away from her face, brushing his hand against her forehead. She didn't know it, but he put the same spell he used the first time he saw her nightmares, in the library.

Sleep took over her, now it was just Loki. He told Thor telepathically that she was safe and back on the Quinjet. Ten minutes had passed and he saw everyone coming back to the Quinjet slightly hurt, but overall fine. Hulk came into view, but as soon as he saw y/n, he turned back into Bruce. Loki conjured up some clothes for him so he would not be completely naked.

Everyone ran towards y/n as soon as they saw her, but Loki held a hand up to signal them to stop.

"She just went to sleep, I wish to not wake her, she has been through enough and al of you will overwhelm her." he said firmly. They all agreed that it was best not to wake her, so they all just sat around her while they waited for her to wake up.

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