chapter 11

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A/N: in this chapter y/e/c means your eye color, anyways enjoy this update, also they sill start getting better soon, you guys just have to be patient. :)

Your Pov:

You and Loki kept reading. After awhile, you got even colder than you already were, so, you got up to get another blanket. Loki noticed how cold you were getting and proposed an idea.

"P-Perhaps you would be a l-little less cold if you sat over h-here." he stuttered out. You looked at him shocked for a moment and sat down almost directly on his lap. Loki's back was positioned in the corner of the couch, with your back to his chest, his legs on either side of your body. You put your blankets over both of your legs.

You were slightly sitting up because you did not want to put too much weight against him. Loki noticed this, and set his book down.

"It's alright, relax" he said while holding both of your shoulders, guiding them towards his chest. Your breath slightly hitched when he touched your shoulders, but relaxed a few moments later.

You read for awhile, but stopped when your eyelids started to droop. You didn't even realize that you were nodding off until your head hit Loki's chest. You quickly sat back up, embarrassed, and got right back into your book.

"You can fall asleep, I will make sure nothing happens to you." he stated while pushing your head back into his chest.

It was as if he put a spell into his hand, because as soon as your head hit his chest, you were put into a dreamless sleep.

Loki Pov:

I noticed that y/n was starting to fall asleep. I know she does not sleep often, so I wanted her to get as much as she can. I knew that she would not sleep soundly, so I put a sleep spell into my hand so she would sleep soundly. She fell asleep immediately.

I don't think I will ever get over how beautiful and peaceful she looks when she sleeps. Is that creepy? Gods I hope not.

I kept reading until I got bored yet again. I just gazed at her while she slept, running my fingers through her hair. Her hair smells wonderful, like a mix of vanilla and honey with a hint of lavender, it was heavenly. We stayed like that until the sun came up, thankfully, the windows were not in front of us, so the sun would not be in her eyes.

A little while later, I heard some commotion in the hallway, I immediately knew it was Thor. Gods, will this oaf ever learn how to be quiet. I heard his footsteps getting louder, probably coming to get y/n.

He stormed into her room, apparently he did not know what privacy was.

"Y/N! Are you awake?" he hollered. I have never wanted to punch someone more than in this exact moment.

"Will you shut it you idiot." I whisper yelled whilst running my fingers through her hair. Thor looked at me stunned. I looked into his thoughts because he stood there too long for my liking without saying anything.

'Awwwwwwww, look at them. I have never seen Lady y/n so peaceful, ever. Maybe Loki is good for her and her for him. I do not think I have ever seen him like this.' Thor thought. I just rolled my eyes at his thoughts.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to leave." I said, nodding towards the door. He quickly shook himself out if his thoughts.

"My apologies brother. I will make up an excuse for you two." he smiled at us. His grin was massive, he looked like an idiot sandwich.

As Thor left, I finally got some peace and quiet again.

Your Pov:

You woke up to Loki running his fingers through your hair, it felt really nice. You looked up at him to see him already looking at you, you blushed a little bit.

"Morning, sorry for falling asleep on you, again." you said, feeling a little embarrassed. You literally always fell asleep around him, and it was only his third day here.

"No need to feel embarrassed, everyone needs sleep, well, every mortal anyway." he said. You smiled at him. He always knew the right things to say.

You didn't want to get up just yet, so you grabbed your book and continued to read. Loki finished his book already, so, he laid his chin on your shoulder and read your book along with you.

You read until you got a text from Goldilocks (Thor)

10:37 A.M.

Goldilocks: I do not know how much longer I can stall for you and my brother, please get down here soon :)

Y/N: we will be down there soon, just tell them i am taking a shower or something pls <3
thank you thor

Thor: anytime ;)

You sighed rather loudly after that, you really did not want to get up. You turned your body towards Loki, looking into his eyes.

"We have to go down there soon, they will come looking for me." you sighed, still remaining eye contact.

"Then let them." he said, staring back into your y/e/c orbs.

Holy shit, his eyes are beautiful.

You must have thought that a little too loudly or something because he started to lightly chuckle, blushing a little bit. You looked at him confused, you didn't say anything.

"Your eyes are quite beautiful too y/n" he said with a smile. You were so embarrassed. Your smile quickly dropped to a look of embarrassment. You were pretty sure that your cheeks were as red as a tomato.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." you responded quietly, looking away.

"It's quite alright, I appreciated it." he smiled at you, his cheeks were starting to turn a shade of pink as well.

"We better get down stairs, Goldilocks texted me like 20 minutes ago." you said.

"Who is Goldilocks?" Loki questioned. Oh if only he knew, so you told him.

"Your brother." you chuckled. He started to laugh along with you, a genuine laugh. HIs laugh was like a beautiful song, you could listen to it all day long.

After you both settled down a bit, you started to get up, heading downstairs, entering the danger zone.

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