chapter 23

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A/N: HOLY SHIT THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH FOR 10,000 READS!!!!! also sorry for not posting yesterday like i promised to. i had a really bad anxiety attack and felt too exhausted to write. i hope you guys enjoy the chapter :)

Your Pov:

You awoke to Loki being gone. Instantly, you shot up. He was your protection and the only person who made you feel safe. You started to panic and look for any weapon you could find. You felt vulnerable and afraid without him being there.

You found a scalpel, but you refused to even touch it because Strucker used one on you. You couldn't find anything else, so you just held on to a vase in your room.

Your heart rate must have gone up because within the next ten seconds, a nurse was in your room. It was a male nurse. You instantly cowered into the corner of your room and started yelling at him to get out. He didn't even move an inch. You felt unsafe and tried to reach Loki through your mind.

When he didn't respond, you thought you hadn't reached him. 'Where is he?'

You kept asking yourself where he was and your mind trailed to the worst possible option. You started to shake and hyperventilate when your thoughts got that bad.

You were being pulled somewhere, though it wasn't Loki. You knew it wasn't him because this person was more muscular while Loki was more slender. You tried to get out of their arms because you did not know who they were and felt unsafe. You fought as best as you could, but ultimately lost.

You figured out who it was when you felt a cold metal hand on your lower back. It was Bucky. Once your brain comprehended that you were safe, you started to sob. You finally felt comfort after being so petrified for god knows how long. You fully collapsed into his embrace and held onto him for dear life.

You were both currently sitting on the floor in the corner of your room. Bucky was sitting to your right with his right arm around your shoulders, running his fingers through your hair. His left hand was on your lower back and your head was in the crook of his neck. Your arms were clutching onto his left arm like if you were to let go, he would disappear.

Your breaths were finally starting to slow down when you felt a pair of eyes looking at you. You looked up to your eyes being met with a pair of baby blue ones. It was Steve. You instantly shrugged yourself closer to Bucky's body. You felt uncomfortable around him since he was a man, not because of what happened on your last mission. You personally wouldn't have made the same call as he did, but you understood why he did it. Everyone else would probably be dead right now if he didn't let you go with Strucker.

He looked like shit. Okay not literal shit but he didn't look how he normally does. You noticed that the bags under his eyes were darker than usual, his hair was not perfectly done like it normally was, and he hadn't shaved in probably days.

You looked towards Bucky to see him already glaring at Steve. His jaw was clenched and you could feel him tighten his death grip he had on you. You were confused. Did he blame Steve?

Bucky was about to get up and you guessed it was to get Steve out. You didn't want that. You used what little strength you had and got up. Bucky looked utterly confused and so did Steve. You did what Bucky, and probably everyone else would classify as "insane". You slowly approached Steve and wrapped your weak arms around his ginormous shoulders, resting them on his neck, while on your tippy toes because you were short as fuck.

You felt him physically flinch, but then, he hesitantly wrapped his own arms around your waist.

It isn't your fault.

Steve instantly gripped you harder and buried his face in your hair when he heard those four words. His arms secured your body more when he moved them so his left hand was cradling your head and his right arm was fully around your waist.

When you felt your shirt get wet on the back of your right shoulder, you hugged him tighter. He needed this. This whole time he had been feeling like it was his fault. He blamed himself and the team agreeing with him didn't help. No one talked to him at all the whole time you were with Strucker.

At some point during your long embrace, you started to cry too. You felt bad for Steve, you didn't mean to, but you read his mind.

I honestly don't know why she is forgiving me. This whole mess was my fault, the whole team agreed with me. I don't deserve her forgiveness.

After some time, your legs started to hurt really bad from standing so much. You reluctantly let go of him and directed the both of you to your bed. Neither of you realized that Bucky had already left. Steve helped you get comfortable in your bed before he even thought of sitting himself down.

"I am so sorry y/n. If I had known any of this would have happened, I would have never even thought about letting him take you. I am so so so sorry." he told you with tears in his eyes.

"There is nothing to forgive. If I was in your position, I would have made the same call. If you didn't make that call, everyone would probably be dead." you said.

As he was about to respond, a green light was flashed in your room and Loki was there. His eyes were immediately on yours. He looked like he was about to kill someone. His gaze turned to Steve's, and in an instant, Steve was being held up on the wall by his throat at Loki's hand.

"Loki STOP!! He wasn't doing anything, he was apologizing!" you yelled at him. You almost never yelled at him, or anyone for that matter. You hated yelling.

"Loki please" you said when he didn't let him go. He looked towards you and saw the fear in your eyes and immediately let Steve go and dropped him like he was a bag of rocks. His gaze softened and he started walking towards you. As he was walking, his hands were raised to show that you weren't in danger and he wouldn't hurt you.

Once he got to you he held your head in his hands so he could check your face for any injuries. You looked at him confusedly.

"I heard you yelling for me, I thought you were in danger." he said. You nodded at him and he breathed a sigh of relief when he realized you had no injuries.

Steve was still clutching his throat while he was on his knees on the ground. Once you realized this, you stumbled to get him a glass of water. He gladly accepted it. He finished the whole glass, so you went to get him another. He waved you off, gave you a thumbs up, and was on his way.

Now it was just Loki and you in the room. You felt very tired. Your legs felt like you just ran three marathons. You started to limp your way to bed when suddenly you were scooped off the ground and brought there by Loki. You gave him a thankful look and made room for him in the bed because you could see how tired he was himself. He did not even put up a fight at this point and crawled into the bed with you, guiding your head to his chest. Not even a minute later you two were both asleep.

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