chapter 6

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A/N: Hi again, I just wanted to let you know that this chapter starts off in the morning, when you and Loki were in the library. Anyways, enjoy this chapter :)

Lokis Pov:

I do not remember even drifting off into sleep. I woke up in a strange place and felt more weight than normal on my lap. I looked down surprised as to what I saw. Y/N. It was all finally coming back to my mind. The nightmare. I wanted to ask her about it but she seemed so peaceful right now. She was beautiful. She was reading the book I was the night before, still laying on my lap. I admired her beauty for a couple of minutes, then decided to make my presence known.

"Good Morning" I said. She jumped at my words. However, I am surprised that she had not known I was awake. She sat up quickly even though I wanted her to stay there. The cold air hit my legs and I was suddenly very much awake. She was warm whilst I was as cold as ice. She put her book down on the coffee table and turned to look at me.

"Good Morning Loki. Thank you again for getting me out of there" she had said in a quiet voice. She almost seemed embarrassed. Why was she embarrassed? Surely everyone has them.

"I do not know how many times I have to say this, it was no problem at all. I am just glad that you are safe." she smiled at my words, even though I could tell she was overthinking yet again. Before I could say anything to reassure her, James and Sam had walked into the room. I do not know why everyone calls him Bucky, so I stuck with James. I looked over to see these two oafs already staring at us. Their eyes kept going from me to her constantly.

"Good Morning (Y/N). Loki." Sam had stated. He nodded at each of us but he glared at me. Whatever did I do? I just met this man yesterday. They both walked around and sat on the couches. James sat in between Y/N and I, which I did not enjoy. Sam had decided to sit on the other side of Y/N, which I was thankful for. She scooted closer to Sam when he got on the couch, which I found odd. Just yesterday they seemed like brother and sister. Did he hurt her?

The couch smaller than it had before, probably because of these two morons taking up all of the room. Sam and James had started a conversation with Y/N, purposely leaving me out. Y/N had not caught onto that until a minute later and immediately tried to include me. I was thankful for her efforts but the boys had overpowered her them.

Something had interrupted this awkward conversation. What was that? No one told me what that was. I shall ask Y/N about it later. It had informed us that breakfast was ready. Everyone quickly got up and off of the couches and started to descend downstairs. I guess they already had gotten used to Thor's rather large appetite. We all got onto the elevator and it went down, Sam and James were standing in front of Y/N and I. Finally I can talk to her, although I did not want these morons to hear me, so I spoke to her telepathically.

I enjoyed this morning, it is a shame that these two oafs ruined the peace and quiet.

She hadn't known this existed apparently because she looked around confused to find out what it was. I just smiled at her. She looked at me and it was like a light went off in her head.

How did you do that? I did enjoy this morning too.

Before I could answer her question, the doors of the elevator had opened. We went to the kitchen to see what we were eating this morning. A very red robot was stood in the kitchen with an apron on. I had not met this... man? I am assuming they are a he. I did not want to assume wrong so I just smiled. There were these circular looking things on the counter that had squares in them. What are these things? Next to them were these foods that looked quite scary in my opinion. I did not know what I was doing.

Y/N made her plate quite quickly, at least I could ask her about this. I just stared at it for a minute. I looked to where Y/N was sitting so I could ask her, but she was already eating. Thor had came into the kitchen after everyone else already had their food. The person who cooked this was not eating though, how strange? Anyways, Thor went to this cupboard looking thing and grabbed a rather colorful box and popped the contents into this machine thing. He stood there and waited for them to be done and I almost jumped when they popped up. He also grabbed three of these circular disks and the scary things next to them. He walked to the table holding all of that and also had a brown liquid as well. He  looked at me and gestured for me to sit next to him, really I did want to sit next to Y/N, but the seats were already taken.

What even are these things? How do I eat them?

I said that to her because I was out of my depth here. She had started to giggle at me. No one knew what was going on so they looked at her liked she belonged in the dungeons on Asgard.

They are called waffles, you put syrup on them, or whatever you want. They are sweet so I wouldn't put anything salty on them. Peanut butter and bananas is good on them too.

I was contemplating what to put on them in my head. I decided to take her advice and put some bananas and peanut butter in them. Gods I hope she has good taste. I quickly shoveled them into my mouth because I was ravenous.

Oh my Gods, these are delish!

Oops, I hadn't meant for her to hear that. She just laughed at my outburst. This time, no one looked at her because they were already eating.

Breakfast had ended and it was I think it was Pietro? Anyways, it was his turn to do the dishes. I had not even stood up before my plate was gone and this silver flash flew passed me. All of the plates were off the table and on the counter tops getting washed. He did that incredibly fast.

I did not know what to do with my time so Thor had suggested that we train together. I obviously objected at first then I thought that I had nothing better to do. I changed my clothes with magic into my armor. Thor glared at me.

"You do not need to be so formal here, just wear a T-shirt and some lovely sweatpants." He said while gesturing down to his outfit. I did not know what either of those were so I just made his outfit appear on me, although I did change the color. He was wearing a red shirt and grey "sweatpants" whilst I wore a dark green shirt and black pants. They are obviously the superior colors.

We made our way down to the training room and we stopped as soon as we walked in. I just stared. Y/N was not wearing a shirt. I thought I wouldn't mind, but then I looked further. She was bending down to get a new bag to punch when she stood up fully. Her entire stomach and back were covered in scars. 

She dropped the bag as soon as she caught us staring. She looked shocked and almost frightened.


I had only one thought on my mind. I wanted to kill the person who did this in every way they feared.

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